Page 50 of Unexpected Fate
He smiles, scooping the picture up and looking at it. “Looks like one of th-th-th-those beans.”
Rome barks a laugh. “It does, doesn’t it?”
“Well, that bean needs a middle name. What do you say about giving him one?” I ask Tanner as he hands me the ultrasound back.
“Me?” he asks incredulously, eyes wide.
“Yes, you,” I reply with a chuckle. Rome and I had talked about it last week. We said if I really was pregnant, Tanner would have a hand in naming him, solidifying that we were a family.
“Can I think about it?” he asks.
“Of course. We still have three months. Just don’t let it be something weird like Megatron.” I roll my eyes, pulling laughter from Rome and Tanner.
“N-n-no promises.”
We’re only silent for a few beats when Rome says, “The social worker called. She’ll be doing a home visit in two weeks and will need to talk to you one on one, Tanner.”
Tanner nods. “Okay.”
I groan. “I hope they won’t say anything about my apartment. It’s clean, but small. Especially with the baby coming.”
Rome puts his arms on the table, wringing them nervously. “That’s what I want to talk to you about.” I raise an eyebrow, gut clenching. “I gave the social worker my address.” My eyebrows furrow now. “This is coming out all wrong. Benjamin, Tanner. What do you say about moving in with me?”
My eyes grow wide. “In your mansion?”
Rome’s cheeks blaze red. “Yes. I have more than enough space. Tanner can have his own wing for fucks sake. The baby can be in the room with us, but we’ll have some space. And I can come home to you two every day. You don’t know how hard it is to go home after spending a few nights with you both. And with the baby coming, I don’t want to miss anything. So, what do you say? Make my day and say yes.”
I look at Tanner. “Up to y-y-y-you, Dad.”
Gods, will these tears ever fucking stop? Before I can stop them, they’re flowing down my cheeks. I’m sure my light brown cheeks will be red and splotchy, but I can’t help it. I swipe the tears away, just for more to take their place. I’ve wanted nothing more than to hear my child call me Dad. Rome asking us to move in and seeing our son on the ultrasound started this whole emotional rollercoaster I tried to keep to myself. Tanner calling me Dad pushed me over the edge.
Ugh, these two will have me turn into a puddle of tears in no time.
After I’ve gotten my sobs under control, I nod. “Yeah, we’ll move in. You could have asked when we weren’t in public.”
Rome chuckles. “I’m sorry. I was trying to find a way to ask. I saw the opening and took it.”
I give him a dry look, making him laugh at me. “When are we moving?”
“You’re doing nothing,” he growls and I raise an eyebrow. “I would say sorry, but I’m not. You can’t lift anything. You’re pregnant.”
“Pregnant, not an invalid. The doctor said I can lift until the beginning of my third trimester.”
Rome waves me off. “Doesn’t matter anyway. I’m hiring movers. If you don’t want to keep something, let me know and I’ll throw it away.” I sit back and cross my arms across my chest, not pouting at all.
I know he’s being cautious, but I don’t want him to handle me with kid gloves just because I’m pregnant. I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time. I don’t think I can step aside and allow someone else to do it.
Rome must sense my discontent, because he reaches across the table, holding his hand palm up. Rolling my eyes, I place my hand in his. “I know you’re an independent omega. I know I might be a little overbearing, but I want to take care of you. I want to make your life as easy as possible. You can’t overexert yourself.”
Sighing, I look into his eyes and see that he does mean well. “I know, alpha, but you have to understand that coddling me isn’t helping me. It’s helpingyou. I know when enough is enough and I won’t push myself. But I need you to know that you can’t treat me like fine china just because I’m pregnant. It’s new for me too, but I know my limits. I need you to trust me that I won’t overdo it and I will ask for help if I need it.”
My alpha is silent for a moment, then he sighs and nods. “Okay, baby. Gods, you should have been a lawyer.”
I grin. “Nah, I like working for my uptight alpha.”
After we finish lunch, Rome drives us to his house so Tanner can have a look around and pick which room he’d like. Just like I did, as soon as he steps out of the car he walks over to the rose bushes, smiling as he smells them.
Once we step inside, Tanner takes off to the left, towards the opposite side of the house than where Rome’s room is. “His own wing, huh?” I mutter as we follow. We find Tanner sitting on the bed of the first bedroom, looking around with wide eyes.