Page 44 of Orc Savage
The gap in my mind, the place where my memories used to exist, still plagues me.
But I am realizing, with every day that passes, that Amara and the rest of the pack have started to fill the gap where my memories belong.
And I might not remember anything from my past. I might only know fragments of who I am, who I was, but I am certain about two things.
I have never felt this free, and I have certainly never been this happy.
“I don’t need memories to know that,” I murmur to myself as I stop and inhale the fresh mountain air.
I stop to look around at the scenery that stretches on forever, and I am once again overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of it all.
Then I turn back to look at where Amara stands above me on a wide ledge.
Her beauty also strikes me in ways that hurt my heart. Another thing I am certain about, although I am only certain about it because of what I have learned from Amara, is that in my old life, I would not have found a human attractive.
Alfa gives a gruff bark, and Safira looks back at me impatiently.
She wants me to follow them. They’re tired of waiting.I smile at the thought and wonder how much the attitude of the older wolf has rubbed off on Amara.
Or is it the other way around? Has Amara’s no-nonsense, sensible attitude rubbed off on Safira?
I break into a run then, and Safira and Alfa join me, giving short, excited barks. I know that I am probably not as fit as I was in my old life. I am still recovering, after all.
But the healing process has helped me to regain some of my strength.
The wound in my chest is still healing, but it doesn’t bother me as I run. In fact, I feel no pain at all.
How is this possible?
I know, deep down, that I should be dead. I should be dead, even with everything Amara has done.
I was hurt very badly. The wound in my chest alone should have taken me out.
But now, I am running along as if nothing ever happened.
As if it is just a scratch.
Amara is waiting for me on the ledge, and I huff, slightly out of breath as we come to a stop.
Safira and Alfa pant as they walk around us, barely missing the edge of the ledge.
Small fragments of the mountain break away from the ledge and tumble into nothingness underneath the weight of the wolves.
“Is this safe?” I ask Amara doubtfully. Now that I have mostly gotten my health back, I really do not want to sacrifice it again.
She laughs and turns away from me to walk down the ledge.
“No, not really,” she calls back to me. My breath hitches in my throat at her answer, and I hurry to follow her. I walk as lightly as I can as she continues speaking. “That’s why we need to hurry.”
The ledge curves, and we round a corner. Then the ledge slopes down, and I see that we have come to the other side of the mountain.
The ledge continues to slope downwards and then widens as we walk into a meadow that is in what I can only describe as a bowl between two mountaintops.
“What is this place?”
You’d never be able to tell that winter is coming,I think as the sunlight warms my skin.
The meadow is unkempt and beautiful, and I can tell that it doesn’t have many human, or orc, visitors.