Page 16 of The Stand-In
“I feel like there’s a hell of a lot more to talk about,” I say as I pull up to the valet, “but we’re here, so I’m going to bookmark where we are and pick it up later.”
Someone opens both of our doors, and there are flashbulbs going off and questions called out.
And when it’s discovered by the press that we arrived together, there are even more questions.
“Ms. Ambrose, are you and your coach an item?”
“How long have you and Coach Montgomery been dating?”
“Is this a conflict of interest?”
We avoid all the questions, and with my hand on the small of her back, we make our way down the red carpet.
I start to move away to let her be photographed alone, but she turns to me, smiles, and holds her hand out for mine.
Her eyes say,don’t go.
So, I take her hand, and we smile for the cameras. Once inside, London takes a long, slow breath and then turns to me, glancing around to make sure no one is listening in.
“I’m sorry,” she hisses. “I just get so nervous, and I instinctively pulled you back, and if that made you uncomfortable, I apologize.”
“I’m fine.” I shake my head down at her. “If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be.”
She nods, but I see the nerves and uncertainty still in her face.
“London, you’ve got this. You look amazing, you’re smarter than anyone else in that room, and you’re theboss.Youare the boss. Don’t forget that.”
Her eyes jump to mine in surprise, and then she squares her shoulders, those diamonds winking at her neckline, and nods once.
“You’re right. Thanks for the reminder.”
“Let’s go find our seats.”
The ballroom isfancy.It seems tonight is the night for that term, because I can’t think of another one. The crystal chandeliers hang low over round tables dressed in crisp, white tablecloths covered in silver and crystal.
A string quartet plays live music as we wander through the room.
London smiles and greets everyone who approaches her, remembering their names and little tidbits about their lives, which surprises me.
“Oh, hello, Marshall. It’s so lovely to see you and your wife, especially after that nasty spill you took on that ski trip last year.”
“Nancy, you look marvelous. How is that new puppy settling in?”
“Greg, you’re as handsome as ever. How are you and your husband getting on? I keep meaning to invite you over for dinner.”
She’s flawless as she moves through the room, making small talk. You’d never know that she was a ball of nervous energy just thirty minutes ago.
When we make our way to our table, I’m relieved to see my uncle Will and my aunt Meg already seated, and walk over to say hello.
“You’re so damn handsome,” Meg says as she pats my cheek and smooths down the lapel of my jacket.
“And you’re gorgeous. What are you doing with a dud like him?” I gesture to Will with my thumb as he grins widely next to me.
“He charmed me with his rapier wit.”
I snort at that and turn to shake my uncle’s hand. “No one else is here yet?”
“Henry and his wife should be here soon.”