Page 24 of The Stand-In
“Because I wanted to get this job on my own merit, that’s why. Not because of who I know. Even if youareimpressive.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re here,” Will says as he backs away. “Lucy’s pretty badass,” he assures me.
“So far, I agree. We’ll see you later.”
Lucy and I walk out of Will’s office, and she stops and takes a deep breath. “I apologize, Ms. Ambrose. I didn’t disclose who my family was because I really wanted to get this job on my own. I’ve wanted to work for you for a long time, and when I saw the opening, I jumped at it. I respect you so much as a strong businesswoman.”
I nod slowly. “Thank you. Personally, as long as you do a good job for me, I don’t care who your family is.”
The truth is, I can relate to Lucy. Sometimes, being related to influential people isn’t as helpful as everyone thinks it is.
“Okay, let’s keep going. There are still quite a few people to meet before we get to work.”
“It’s a big building,” she says.
“And trust me, it’sfull.”
“Iknow it’s late notice,” Mom says into my ear. I have the phone crooked against my shoulder as I type out a response to an email on my computer. I love the woman dearly, but she always manages to call me when I’m at work and in the middle of something. “But I miss my children. I want to have dinner tonight at six. Both of your sisters and their guys are coming, and it won’t be the same if you tell me you can’t make it.”
There’s absolutely nothing in the world like mom guilt.
“I can make it,” I reply. “I’ll be there at six.”
“You don’t, by any chance, have a date to bring with you, do you?”
“No.” My lips twitch when she sighs heavily. “Sorry to burst your romantic bubble.”
“Well, I heard that you escorted London to that fancy dinner the other night.”
“Yes, I’m sure Aunt Meg called you from the car on her way home.”
“We’re not amateurs,” she replies with a snort. “She texted me during dinner and managed to take a photo with her phone while she was at it.”
“Of course, she did. Sorry, London won’t be with me.”
“Another time, then. I’ll want to hear all about it. You looked so handsome in your suit. Okay, I know you’re working, so I’ll let you go. See you tonight.”
“See you later, Mom.”
I hang up and turn my attention back to my email when suddenly, London is in my doorway.
“Hey.” I stand, but London just grins and motions for someone to join her. And that someone is my cousin, Lucy. “Luce?”
“Hi,” Lucy says with a little smile.
“This is my new assistant, Lucy Williams,” London says with a big smile. “Today is her first day, and I’m showing her around.”
“I might not remember everyone’s names, or even where the bathroom is, for a few days, but I’ll get there,” Lucy says with a half laugh.
“I don’t even know everyone’s names,” I assure her. “I didn’t know you put in for that job.”
London and Lucy share a look and then laugh.
“What? What did I say?”