Page 36 of The Stand-In
I groan against her mouth, and she wiggles against me in invitation as I move us over to the wall and boost her up with my hands planted on her spectacular ass so she can wrap those long legs around me, and I can continue to feast on her mouth.
“God, you’re sweet,” I murmur against her as I kiss my way to her neck. She lets out a little moan, and then her hands suddenly stop moving.
Shestops moving.
“Okay.” I set her on her feet but keep my hands on her shoulders to steady her. “I’m sorry.”
“No, please, don’t apologize. It’s just, my son is upstairs, and if he came looking for me—”
“I get it.” I cup her face and lean my forehead against hers. “I understand.”
“Thanks.” She sighs and closes her eyes.
“But I have a question.”
That has her opening those pretty eyes once more and watching me warily. “Okay.”
“When can I take you on anovernightdate? I like Caleb a lot, and I’m happy to do things with the three of us, but maybe I could take you somewhere overnight.”
Her lips tip up into a soft smile. “I’d like that. Let me get with Quinn, and we’ll figure out a time that works.”
“Thanks.” I kiss her again, but much more chastely this time, before pulling away. “Okay, there’s still a lot of house to see.”
“Let’s go see it.”
She licks her lips, and I see her take a long, slow breath as she leads me out of the hidden library, which makes me grin. It’s satisfying to know that I have the same effect on her as she has on me.
“You’ve seen the kitchen. There’s another big living space and dining area back here.”
I follow her through the rest of the first floor, and then we climb the stairs to the second floor.
“That’s Caleb’s room,” London whispers as we tiptoe past. “These are more guest rooms.”
Finally, at the end of the hallway, she opens a set of double doors that reveal her massive main suite.
“This is my room,” she says, gesturing. “I love it because I have a great view of Mount Rainier.”
The furniture is muted and pretty, the carpet plush.
And, I realize, the bathroom is the size of my condo.
“Holy shit, you could have a party in here.”
London laughs. “This tub is a lifesaver for my sore feet. Even Caleb still likes to take baths in here.”
“Who wouldn’t?” I catch a glimpse of her closet as I pass by and have to stop and back up for another look. “This might be the biggest closet I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying alot,given how fashion-obsessed the women in my family are.”
She doesn’t laugh as she walks past me and runs her hand over the marble top of an island that rivals the one in the kitchen.
“This, aside from Caleb and the football team, is my pride and joy. Ilovefashion, as I’m sure you realized when I hounded you for weeks about the uniforms. The league approved them, by the way.”
She walks past the racks and racks of hanging clothes and shelves loaded down with handbags and shoes, and she caresses everything as if it’s a treasured lover.
“I own a clothing boutique in New York,” she continues. “I’m a silent partner, but I love it. I go out there four times a year to look at what’s new and bring those new things home with me. I attend fashion week in both New York and Paris every fall, building that into my trip to the boutique. It’s one of the few times that I don’t feel guilty when I leave Caleb with Quinn for a little longer than normal. He wouldn’t want to go with me. It would be boring for him, and I want to soakeverythingin. It just feeds my soul in a way I can’t really describe.”