Page 43 of The Stand-In
“Probably,” I admit. “Most likely. But I know how to work a room, so I’ll be fine.”
Drew just chuckles and kisses my forehead. “They mean a lot to me. And, I’m not afraid to admit, you and Caleb do, too. I’d like for all of you to meet. But if you’re not ready, I understand.”
Well, when he puts it like that, how am I supposed to say no? My heart just melted all over the floor.
“I’d love to have dinner with your family. Let me just change.”
“It’s casual. No need for that crazy-expensive handbag.”
And just like that, the mood is light, and I laugh as I walk toward the game room. “There’s always a need for that handbag.”
I didn’t choosethe Birkin. I thought about it, just to make Drew laugh, but I decided to carry my favorite Dior.
Caleb is beside himself with excitement at the prospect of meeting Drew’s parents. He’s been asking questions nonstop since we left the house.
And Drew simply answers every single one of them with the patience of a saint.
“Did you grow up in this house?” Caleb asks as Drew pulls into the driveway.
“I did,” he says and cuts the engine.
“Do they still have the same furniture and everything?” Caleb wants to know, and I turn around to look at him quizzically.
“What? Why do you want to know about the furniture?”
“I want to knoweverything,” he says.
“No, the furniture is pretty new,” Drew replies with a laugh. “Come on, you can see for yourself.”
Before we make it to the front door, it opens, and a beautiful woman with auburn hair grins at us.
“You’re here! Come in, everyone. You must be Caleb.”
“That’s me,” my son says with a nod. “And you’re Brynna?”
“Yes, I am. It’s nice to meet you. You’re so handsome. Come on in. I need a taste tester in the kitchen. Hello, London. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
I’m suddenly swept up in a hug that surprises me.
“It’s nice to meet you, as well, Mrs. Montgomery.”
“Brynna, please. We’re pretty casual around here. Come on. My husband is in the kitchen. I made him stay and keep an eye on things.”
Drew takes my hand as we follow his mom through the house. It’s a lovely home, comfortable and lived in. There are photos of Drew and his sisters at varying ages on the walls and in frames on shelves.
“Do you like cherry cheesecake?” Brynna asks my son.
“Of course, I do,” he replies, making her laugh.
“Well, that’s good, because I made some for dessert. Don’t tell the others, but I’ll give you the biggest piece.”
Caleb’s face lights up in delight, and for just a moment, I feel a lump of emotion form in my throat.
Thisis what it’s like to be in a loving home.
“Hey, Pops,” Drew says to his dad, who turns around from the stove and smiles at all of us. He’s a tall, broad man, and I immediately see where Drew gets his looks and body shape from. He looks like he’d be formidable if you ever pissed him off. “This is London and Caleb.”
“Nice to meet you,” he says, nodding at me and then turning his attention to my boy. “I hear you stole my name.”