Page 49 of The Stand-In
“I have.” She can’t resist breaking off another piece of pretzel and dipping it into the cheese. “And Ido.I’m a travel snob, Drew.”
“That likely should have been something you told me before I made the reservations.”
“No way. You did anamazingjob. That hotel is top-notch, and the suite is beautiful. I read the menu of spa services they have, on top of the healing pools and the decadent food, and it’s perfect. More than comfortable.”
“Where do you stay when you’re in Paris?” I ask her.
“The Ritz, of course. They have other hotels?”
“One of the things I like about you is that you’re so multifaceted. You can be this woman, casual and laid-back, and then you can be the traveled boss lady, with your expensive shoes and bags. You’reboth, and I think they’re both sexy as fuck.”
“I’m glad you do.” She bites the pretzel, watching me. “Have you ever been to Paris?”
“Have you been abroad at all?”
“I went to Iceland with my family last Christmas. That was fun. I’ve been to Hawaii, but that doesn’t count. Honestly, my job has never taken me out of the country, and I don’t have a lot of time to travel for leisure.”
“Well, we might just have to change that. I’d love to show you Paris. It’s my favorite city in the world, and that’s saying something because Seattle will always have my heart.”
“Did you grow up in Seattle?”
“Yes, that was our home base. Dad wasn’t home much, but we were there with the nanny. I can’t imagine living anywhere else full time. I can, however, imagine buying a vacation home here. It’s only two hours away from Seattle, but it’s so beautiful and away from the grind, you know?”
“So, you’d prefer something in the mountains as opposed to the beach?”
“I think so.” She taps her lips, thinking it over. “I like the snow, so the mountains appeal to me.”
“Speaking of snow. Lucy and Erin were just telling me that the cousins are planning a ski trip to Montana during our bye weekend. I’d like for you to join us. If you want to bring Caleb, I’m cool with that.”
She blinks once and then bites her lower lip.
“Whoa, what did I say wrong?”
“Nothing.” She clears her throat. “You didn’t say anything wrong at all. I need to thank you for being so understanding about including my son. I know it’s not easy to have a ten-year-old around so much, and that dating a single mom isn’t the most fun thing in the world.”
“Says who?” I reach over and take her hand. “I’m having fun. If a guy has issues with a woman’s kids, those issues are onhim. Not her. You told me from the get-go that Caleb is the most important aspect of your life, and he should be. It’s one of the things I respect about you. My mom was a single mom when she met my dad. It’s not new to our family. If you want to bring Caleb skiing, we’ll make it happen. If you’d rather he stay in Seattle with Quinn or even my parents, that’s okay, too.”
“Your parents would be okay with keeping him?”
“Why are you so surprised?” I laugh and kiss her hand before letting it go. “Are you kidding? They’d get a huge kick out of keeping him. But like I said, it’s up to you. It honestly doesn’t bother me either way. He’d probably love skiing, and we could get him lessons.”
“Let me think about it,” she says slowly. “I’ll have to look at the dates to see what he has on his schedule.”
“That works. Are we done here?”
“Oh, yeah. What should we do next?”
“I’d like to take you back to the room, get you naked, and have my way with you for about the next twelve hours.”
“That’s the best idea you’ve ever had.”