Page 87 of The Stand-In
London: We’re home! Finally. I’m so sorry it’s later than I thought, but feel free to come over any time.
Without responding, I grab my jacket, keys, and my laptop and hurry down to my car. I like that her place is less than thirty minutes from mine, and before long, I’m waving at the security guard at the gate and driving down her long driveway to the house that’s lit up.
I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Not only are the lights on, but someone came and hung holiday lights on all the trees and the house. Wreaths hang in every window.
She finally got her decorations.
With a grin, I walk to the front door and knock, and just a few seconds later, I hear Caleb ask, “Who is it?”
“Santa Claus,” I reply.
“Oh, boy!” Caleb opens the door and then giggles. “I knew it was you.”
“And here I thought I could trick you. Did you and your mom have fun at the movies?”
“Yeah, it was totally awesome. And then we got tacos. I hadfourof them.”
“That’s a lot of tacos.” I hang my coat in the hall closet and kick off my wet shoes before following Caleb down to the kitchen, where London’s filling the dishwasher. The inside of the house is decorated, as well, with lots of lights and bows and garland. I have to admit, it’s pretty great. “Hey, beautiful.”
“Hi there. How was your evening?”
“It’s looking up. I hear there was a taco feast.”
“Caleb’s going to make me go broke,” she confirms, but Caleb just shakes his head.
“We’re loaded,” he informs me, not concerned in the least as London passes me a bottle of water.
“How do you know?” I ask.
“None of my friends have a house this big,” he replies with a quick shrug, making me laugh. “Okay, the deal was that I have to go to bed without a fuss in exchange for date night, so I’m gonna go get ready for bed.”
London raises an eyebrow. “Are you sick? Are you sure you’re my son and not an imposter?”
“I’m not an imposter.”
“Say something that only Caleb knows.”
He wrinkles his nose. “I have a mole right on my butt.”
The water I just drank sprays out of my mouth in surprise, and that sends Caleb into another fit of giggles.
“It’s true,” he says, still laughing at me. “Okay, see you later.”
He waves and runs up the stairs to his bedroom.
“He’s a nut.”
London sighs, and the smile on her face fades as she wipes down the countertop.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing at all.” She stops and looks over at me. “I think I’m just tired.”
“I’ll finish this,” I offer. “Go up and take care of him.”
“I’ll take you up on that.” She stops in front of me and passes me the wet rag, then kisses me before walking to the stairs. “Thanks.”
I don’t mind cleaning up the rest of the kitchen. I even make sure that Caleb’s lunch is ready for tomorrow, and then I set out some snacks for London and me to pick on this evening while we work.