Page 6 of Soothed By the Doctor
“And what is the point, Velma? That you liked it a little too much? That you almost climbed him like a tree?” If I wasn’t a lady, I’d smack the smirk right off her stupid face.
“It was Georgie, wasn’t it?” I tell Ivette more than ask, narrowing my eyes. “I’m firing her first thing Monday.” I knew this would happen. One of those three was bound to talk and now the whole damn town will be gossiping about ‘that horny Freeman girl’ by dinner.
“You’re not firing anybody. And it wasn’t Georgie. It was you… just now. I added the climbing thing for fun and you took the bait.” She laughs, waving her arm, sandwich in hand.
More food is flung my way, landing on my now abandoned plate. This time it’s bacon, which doesn’t stay long. Ivette reaches over and snatches the thick slice up and crams it back into her sandwich.
“You sneaky b…” I trail off, snatching the sandwich out of her hand halfway to her stupid big mouth. “This touched my plate, therefore it’s mine.” I pull the bacon back out and shove it in my mouth. I’ll be looking for a new best friend tomorrow.
“Aww, angel if you want more bacon, I’ll get you some. No need to steal your friend’s.” I know that voice. It’s the one I went to bed with and did unspeakable things to. That voice is a menace and must be avoided at all costs.
“What are you doing here?” I ask around a mouth full of bacon. I quickly swallow and then frown at the man looming above our table.
Being in his presence does terrible things to my insides. All my common sense flies out the window and I turn into the queen of horniness. Already my panties feel damp.
“Well, I was told this was the best place to eat. But had I known you two lovely ladies were here, I would’ve come sooner. Looks like I barely caught you as it is.” CJ nods at Ivette and I’s almost empty plates. Then he turns to her, hand extended out, and says, “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m CJ and you are?”
Ivette, the traitor, turns bright red and giggles, “Ivette.”
Their handshake lasts way longer than it should and I have to stop myself from punching my former best friend. Instead, I shoot her a dirty look which only makes her laugh harder.
“Since my food isn’t ready yet and all the stools are taken, I guess I’ll…” he trails off and I assume that meant he was leaving but I was wrong.
“Don’t sit down!” I shout when CJ appears to be doing just that.
Using all my meager strength, I attempt to block his descent, but he simply pushes me out of the way with his hip. Having lost this round, I scoot over as far as I can, almost hugging the damn wall.
I’d forgotten that CJ fights dirty. He grabs my thigh, pulling it towards him until I’m practically on his lap. I try my best to move away but his hold is too tight.
“I thought I told you not to sit.”
“You did. But obviously, I didn’t listen.” CJ loosens his grip and starts drawing circles on my thigh.
As his hand travels up, all thoughts of breaking free fly from my head, leaving only room for dangerous lust-filled ones. My legs involuntarily spread, inviting him to go up a little more and over to where I need him the most. I’ve been wet and achy since yesterday, my fingers a poor substitute for the pleasure I know a man like him could give me.
His hand answers my silent plea, drawing the circles higher and higher until it reaches the crease where my thigh and sex meet. My breathing slows and I stare at his hand as he slides it over and gently cups my core.
God, am I really letting him do this to me? In public?
He tightens his hold when my hips shift, as if to say this is mine and don’t you dare try and take it away. A moan threatens to escape but I swallow it when CJ whispers in my ear, “You let these fuckers hear you and I’ll have to go to jail, baby.”
Then he calmly turns to Ivette. “So, tell me, what secrets does my Velma hold?”
“Why… why are you asking her? I’m right here.” I pray Ivette doesn’t notice how shaky my voice is.
And when did I become his?
“Oh, I know where you are, angel.” He rocks his hand against me. “But I also know you won’t tell me anything if I ask so I’m pumping your friend for info.” He’s right. But if he keeps rocking against my pussy like this, I’ll tell him anything.
Meanwhile, Ivette has developed a serious case of the giggles and her eyes keep darting to CJ’s hidden arm. I can see the wheels spinning as she tries to figure out exactly where his hand is resting. I’m so glad my distress is causing her so much amusement.
“Well, there really isn’t much to tell. Velma has lived here all her life, except for the four years she went away for college. She worked for her parents until the resort opened. I guess that’s about it. Oh, no wait! She quilts.”
Two sentences, if you don’t count that quilting nonsense because… how embarrassing. Ivette has managed to summon up my life in two short boring sentences. Sure, there’s more to tell but not much. It’s sad really.
With his free hand, CJ snags a fry off my plate and thinks while he chews. “Sounds about right,” he finally says.
“What does that mean?” I ask, afraid that my patheticness is on display for the world to see.