Page 105 of Menace
His voice broke becoming a rough whisper. “Fuck no, no, no, no.”
Grave was instantly by his side and so was Ren, they bracketed him on either side and he braced for more bad news.
“We were betrayed by one of our own. The prospect known as Flag sold us out, he’s a fuckin’ traitor. He tricked Bren to let him in then shot him, somehow turned off the alarms and allowed the bastards entry. Bren was able to get to Harper and Ry but he couldn’t get them out, he said Antonio Salvatore and Carmella Mendez took her. The video shows her walkin’ out carryin’ her boy, brother, she wasn’t beaten or hurt.”
His throat felt raw and his voice sounded rough to his own ears.
“I want them, all of them. I’m goin’ to kill them. They have no idea what’s comin’ for them. No fuckin’ idea.”
He was about to rush out of the office when Grave curved an arm around his lower back.
“Think, brother, think, use that brain of yours. We have to do everything we can not to alert them to the fact that she’s yours. She safe and her son is safe as long as they don’t suspect they are yours.”
Ren drew his attention with a tap on his chest.
“What can’t happen is anyone knowin’ that Ry is yours. We need to play this one close, brother, really fuckin’ close to the chest.”
“How do you know he’s mine?” He grated out.
Ren grinned. “Mouth came to me about the test. We liberated their blood samples from the doc’s office and put a rush on the test. Got the email yesterday but I only opened it a few minutes ago. He’s definitely yours.”
Joy and rage fought with each other in his chest.
He had failed his woman and his boy.
It hurt. Hurt to breathe, hurt to think, hurt to feel.
Hurt to remember his woman’s fear of her brother.
The brothers needed to know the danger she was in. This was no time for secrets. Not anymore. It had to come out into the open.
“She’s not safe. That motherfucker terrorised her as a little girl. Started rapin’ her when she was only ten years old and when her mother tried to intervene her father beat the woman to death. She was locked in that house of horror until she escaped at seventeen, she has been free of them for a measly ten years. Now he has her again, and can anyone here tell me he’s not goin’ to put his fuckin’ hands on her. You can’t. You can’t fuckin’ give me that assurance. So excuse me if I’m not goin’ to play nice with the fuckin’ cartel, they’ve got hell comin’ for them.”
He snarled viciously when his prez tried to talk.
“If one hair on Harper’s head has been harmed I will find Carmella and make her pay. Call Carlos Mendez and tell him, tell him what will happen if Carmella and Antonio Salvatore harm Harper Delaney or her child.”
There was deathly silence when he finished and then Iceman stepped up to him.
“Brother, you’ve got to know we don’t do shit like that.”
Lucky tipped his head down to meet his eyes. “But I will.”
His prez came towards him. “Lucky, brother, I know how you feel but…”
He didn’t give him a chance to finish, shaking his head. “No, no you don’t, Prez. You’ve never stood where I am right now. I’m standin’ here knowin’ that my woman and child are in the hands of killers who wouldn’t hesitate to hurt them if it served their purpose. You have no idea what that feels like, how it fuckin’ burns the humanity right out of you. Leavin’ behind a man willin’ to maim and kill those who took them. If they hurt them I will have my vengeance.”
Stepping back Lucky drew in a deep breath and closed his eyes, dropping his head and pushing his chin into his chest he tried to get his rage under control. He had to think. Think on how to get his girl and son safely out of their clutches.
“I’m sorry, I have to get out of here. I…I need to think.” He mumbled.
Turning he strode out of the office and down the passage to his office. Opening the door he walked over to the window and stood staring out blindly.
What was he going to do? How was he going to get them back?
A glint in the distance had him narrowing his eyes. Water, it was the sun on the water.
He instantly knew who could help him find her. His family. Not his dad and brother, no, his Cajun family. His cousins were some of the best trackers he knew and had contacts everywhere.