Page 111 of Menace
“We suspect Pablo Mendez is here because his cousin and partner in torture, Carmella Mendez, came here to convince Lucky to go to Mexico to save a boy she maintained was his son. We have rock solid evidence he isn’t our brother’s son, we also know it was a ploy to get their hands on him. The cartel wants the information locked in his head.”
The silence in the room was absolute, everyone waiting for him to continue.
“Unfortunately after snatching Harper they did not return to the yacht and we lost them. We have people going over the route and I expect to hear from…”
Maniac didn’t get any further because the door slammed open. Lucky was stunned when Rider stormed in, his eyes deep dark wells of burning rage.
He jumped up along with the rest of the brothers, but Rider didn’t pay any attention to them. His crazed burning eyes were fixed on Lucky.
He had a moment to take in the men streaming into their chapel behind him and then the brother he considered a good friend was right in his face, his hands fisted in his tee.
Even in his rage Rider hadn’t touched his kutte, hadn’t disrespect him or his club in that way. What he did do was disrespect the sanctity of their chapel and it was a killing offence. He wasn’t given time to think about it or anything.
“You fucking asshole! Your motherfucking giant ass was supposed to protect her!” Rider shouted in his face. “Your fucking club was supposed to keep her and Ry safe. Where the fuck were you?”
Rider jerked him closer then shoved him away, making him rock on his feet. Lucky raised his hands to try and calm his friend down, to explain.
But the brother wasn’t listening.
The fucker started swinging and all Lucky could do was ward off the blows because he didn’t want to fight his friend. Plus he felt like he deserved it, deserved to be hurt. The bastard landed several hits to his torso and one to his mouth. He felt his lip split and tasted blood in his mouth, and then they were pulled apart.
Rider strained against the arms holding him back.
“I’m not scared of your giant fucking ass, you bastard. If anything happens to her or my boy I will fucking gut you, Lucky Boudreaux. They’re my family, you fucking hear me, my fucking family. And you, you…you fucking left them out there in that fucking house, alone and afraid. I will kill you if I lose them, you hear me? I. Will. Fucking. Kill. You.” Rider threatened through gritted teeth.
One of the brothers who had followed him in tried to calm him down.
“Ride, brother, you need to calm down. You losing it isn’t helping. Lucky isn’t the enemy, that fucker Salvatore is. Remember brother, he lost them too.” He patted Rider on the back. “Breathe through it, brother. Breathe.”
Lucky had no idea who the brother was but he would thank him later for the effective way he calmed his friend down.
An ice cold voice cut through the tense air and he looked away from Rider towards the door. A man radiating power and dressed in a dark suit surrounded by more men in suits stood in the doorway looking around the room. His face was a blank mask, no emotion whatsoever.
“While it’s entertaining to watch Rider having a meltdown we have more important things to discuss.”
He glanced around the room, his dead blue eyes taking them all in then focused on their president.
“Maniac, Grave, my apologies for the abrupt intrusion into your meeting.” He waved a hand towards Rider. “My friend over there was difficult to restrain and the result is as you see.” He shrugged then those cold eyes returned with laser focus to Maniac. “We need to talk once we’re done here.”
Lucky was amazed when all his president did was give a chin lift in agreement.
What the fuck? Who was this fucker? And then he didn’t have to wonder any longer.
“For those of you who don’t know who I am, my name is Asa Malone and Brendan O’Connor is one of mine, so is Harper. We’re here to find her and when we do we will be taking her, Ryder and Bren home where I can be sure of their safety.
Oh hell no.
No way were they leaving Savannah.
He didn’t wait on his president to speak, he did it for him.
“You’re welcome to join in the search and in the retribution handed down after we find them, but you have to realise one thing.” He paused for a second before continuing. “Harper is mine, her boy is mine and once we find them their home will be here, with me.”
Asa Malone gave him a cold smile that didn’t reach his dead eyes.
“We’ll join in hunting down the attackers and those who laid hands on her but the decision whether she stays here or goes home with me is hers, not yours.”
Lucky opened his mouth to tell him he was fucking dreaming when his president’s icy voice had him shutting up.