Page 129 of Menace
She never reached us.
A barrage of shots went off and her body jerked as she was hit. Cole had me up against the wall, his body covering mine. I watched from beneath his arm as she crumpled to the ground, the knife still clutched in her hand, her mouth open, her teeth bared in a snarl. A crazy inhuman growl came from her throat, blood dripping from her mouth as she slowly started crawling towards us.
Cole hissed furiously, pointed his gun at her and fired, a round hole appeared in her forehead, and she jerked back and finally lay still.
“Drop it!” Lucky shouted as he rushed towards us.
Cole instantly dropped his weapon and painfully raised his hand to show he was unarmed.
He raised only one hand because his other arm was around my waist.
It was all that was holding me up.
“Baby, I got you.” I heard Lucky say.
That was the last I heard.
Hours earlier
He wanted to get out of the clubhouse and find his woman and child but he knew he couldn’t leave without his brothers. Even with his cousins waiting on him they needed the numbers to take the fuckers down. They were good fighters but there weren’t enough of them and he wouldn’t jeopardise Harper and Ryder’s lives by going in half cocked.
He sat at the table in their chapel and explained his part of the extraction plan.
The routes.
He had it meticulously worked out, several routes that would guide them away from cameras. It wasn’t possible to avoid all of them but Byte would be taking care of those. They were going out in small groups to not draw the attention of the law. A large group of bikers and cages filled with dangerous looking men, all of them heading out of the city, would definitely have the pigs scrambling to follow.
And then, finally, it was done. They were ready.
Maniac didn’t stay sitting in his chair, he stood.
“We ride out as if this is just another day. Stay on the route Lucky planned for your group. We’ll meet down the road from the estate as planned and walk in from there. Don’t shoot the fuckin’ Cajuns, they’ll be leadin’ us in. Stay sharp and if you see anythin’ suspicious let everyone know. Ride safe, brothers, let’s go get our brother’s old lady and boy and bring them home.”
The men roared and raised fists in the air. Lucky didn’t, all he wanted was to get on the road.
Not long after he was riding out the front gate in a group that included Rider, Ren and Dive. He had chosen Bates to ride with them as well. He wanted the brother close in case his old lady or son needed him. There was no doubt in his mind he would find her before the others did. Lure, Bollywood, Mamba and Bones were riding in his group as well.
They rode in a group of eight, two by two, riding easy as if it was just another late afternoon ride with their brothers. Something the pigs was used to and saw every day.
What the bastards didn’t know was that their saddlebags were loaded down with guns and ammunition.
There were even a couple of grenades in there.
If by some chance they were pulled over they would be going inside for a very long time.
They were connected via Bluetooth to Byte and the two brothers helping him. They gave the groups updates as they rode. Letting them know if they spotted the law along their routes.
Lucky’s route was without hold ups and they arrived at the meeting point in good time. They weren’t the first there, Breaker’s group was already there, waiting for them.
One after the other the groups pulled in, and finally, when he felt he couldn’t stand to wait a second longer it was time to move in and find his family.
He was about to move into the thick brush when Bas suddenly popped up next to him, making him jerk back in surprise.
“Fuck, Bas. Where the fuck did you come from?” He snapped at his cousin.