Page 132 of Menace
There was a shocked silence for maybe a second and then everyone was shouting at him to lower his weapon.
He immediately dropped it.
Lucky ran, not giving a shit about his brothers or cousin. He had to get to his old lady. She looked ready to pass out.
He took her from the swaying man.
“Baby, I got you.” He said.
“Ry…they’ve…got….my…baby. Find my…baby.”
She crumpled in his arms, almost taking both of them to the floor.
Rider ran to him, his eyes filled with demons as he supported Lucky, then gently helped to lift her into his arms.
The unknown man leaning heavily against the wall spoke with pain filling his voice.
“You’ve got to get her to a hospital, fast. The dead slut stabbed her and she has several cuts on her hips, abdomen and chest.”
“Who the fuck are you?” Bas snapped, his gun pointed at the guy’s head.
“Cole Conrad, undercover, DEA and workin’ with the FBI taskforce. Stop with the fuckin’ questions. You gotta go.” He bit through clenched teeth. “An’ I need to find her baby.”
“You’re not goin’ anywhere except the hospital. We’ll take it from here.” Bas snapped. “My team and I will go lookin’ for him.”
Lucky didn’t know what to do. Take his woman to the hospital or stay and find his son.
Rider decided for him.
“She’s fading, brother. If we want to save her you’ve got to go. Right now. I will stay here with Bas and your cousins. We will find your boy and bring him home.”
With Dive beside him he started moving towards the door, fast.
Then it suddenly hit him, where he had heard the wounded man’s name before. Turning his head slightly he shouted over his shoulder.
“He’s on Remy’s team, he’s cool, get him to the hospital.”
He was grateful when Bates joined them, looked at Harper then ran in front of them, clearing the way.
His mind was in mad whirl, all he could think about was the woman in his arms, and his missing son. She was so still if not for the fact that he could see her chest moving he would have thought she wasn’t breathing.
He had to trust that Rider, the brothers and his cousins would find his son while he ensured his boy’s mother stayed alive. So had to stay alive to be there for him when they found him and brought him home.
Bursting through the door into the storage area he ignored everyone and followed Bates out to one of the cages that had been driven into the estate.
“Get those seats folded down!” Bates shouted as he ran and several brothers ran to obey.
Lucky got to the SUV, Bates was already crouched inside, waiting for them, his massive first aid bag open next to him.
Brothers came from all sides to help him and Dive gently load her into the back. Jumping in he went to his knees next to Harper, Dive knelt next to him. The doors closed and they took off, fast.
Lucky gave an anguished growl as Bates lifted her sweat shirt and they finally got to see the extent of her injuries. There was blood all over her abdomen and more on her chest.
He wanted to howl with rage but he bit it back, he knew she needed him to be strong now.
“She’s breathing, she’s still breathing.” He whispered to himself.
“Your ol’ lady is alive, brother. She’s going to make it.” Dive said quietly. “Believe it.”