Page 152 of Menace
“I can’t fuckin’ sleep, my ol’ lady is havin’ fuckin’ nightmares because of that piece of shit brother of hers. Knowin’ he’s here and still breathin’ is fuckin’ with both our heads. The fucker needs to die. Today.” He snarled.
“You sure about this, bro?” Ren asked.
“Yeah, I am. She’s scared he gets loose and comes after our boy. No way in fuck am I allowin’ that to happen. He dies today.”
Maniac looked at the determination in his Road Captain’s face and eyes and nodded.
“I agree, he needs to die but it doesn’t have to be by your hand, Lucky. Let one of your brothers take care of it for you. He’s your ol’ lady’s brother, her family. I don’t want it the cause problems between the two of you.”
Lucky laughed and shook his head. “She sent me here, Prez. Told me to get out and get it done and stop overthinkin’ shit, said he’s a boil on the butt of humanity and it needs to be lanced.”
Ren’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and Lucky grinned and shrugged.
“My ol’ lady gets pretty heated when the subject of her family comes up.”
Maniac nodded. “I get it, brother. How do you want to do this?”
“I would have liked to go down there and just kill the motherfucker but he might know shit about the cartel, and we need everything we can get.” He smiled. “I’m lookin’ forward to makin’ him hurt, he made my ol’ lady suffer for years, now it’s his turn.”
“Ren will be overseeing the interrogation. If he says it’s done then it’s done and you end the fucker. Am I understood?” Maniac asked.
“You got it, Prez.” Lucky agreed instantly.
“Right, get out of here and get shit done. I’ve decided I’m done with this bullshit and I’m havin’ all the trash taken out tonight.” Maniac waved a hand at them and watched as they left.
He had to call Grave to give him an update. They would have some decisions to make later.
Decisions that would decide their way forward.
With what had gone down with the cartel he wanted the bastards to withdraw from Georgia.
It would be a start. The other areas in the country dominated by his club would follow.
He wasn’t going to stop until Los Rojos no longer had a foothold in his territories. He wanted them and their poison gone.
Following Ren out of their Prez’s office he was surprised when instead of getting to business they went to his office. His SAA waved him towards a chair as he sat down behind his desk. Lucky didn’t want to waste time but he put his ass in the chair and waited for Ren to tell him why they weren’t below the clubhouse. He didn’t have to wait.
“I want us both to be clear on how this is goin’ to go down. I’m callin’ in Breaker and Bates. Bates will monitor the fucker while you and Breaker make him talk.” Ren smirked. “He’s not lookin’ too good, Dive and Lure got a little enthusiastic after they saw Harper. Bates patched him up but the brother wasn’t happy about havin’ to do it. He specifically asked to be there when we questioned the fucker. You okay with it?”
Lucky smiled coldly and nodded. “I like workin’ with Breaker, he doesn’t mind havin’ to get creative when subjects refuse to talk. And havin’ Bates there will keep him alive until we’ve gotten everything we need, so, I’m good.”
Ren’s answering smile was equally as cold. Picking up his phone he tapped out a message, sent it then set it back down.
“How’s your ol’ lady doin’?” He asked.
“She’s getting’ there, brother, except for the fuckin’ nightmares she keeps havin’. Other than that shit she’s doin’ good. Her injuries are healing and she’s up and about every day. Her doc said she has to walk to strengthen her muscles and that’s what she’s been doin’, walkin’ around the garden. She has Rider and Bollywood with her as well as Liam, he’s one of Asa’s guys. Dangerous fuck that one. He has a look in his eyes that says he’s killed before and will do again.”
Ren nodded as he rubbed his bottom lip. “I was goin’ to ask you about Malone and his men. What do you think, are they trustworthy? Should we go into an alliance with them?”
Lucky immediately nodded. “Oh yeah, they’re solid. Asa runs a tight organisation and his guys are loyal to him. We can’t go wrong by getting’ into business with them. Are we talkin’ guns?”
Ren didn’t answer immediately, obviously thinking about it before he did.
“We need to diversify our suppliers and the Irish in South Africa have access to what we need. I’ve looked at the logistics and it looks doable. If we go into business our product will be handled by Malone’s people in Johannesburg. Dominick Maingarde will handle some of the sourcing and the Sinners Sons MC will handle the transportation while the Iron Dogz MC will handle Cape Town harbour. We export whatever the fuck and import some shit, and they send us our product in the shipment. If I can hammer out a deal with all the parties we’ll be able to cut out the fuckers we’re dealin’ with now. I don’t trust them and if I can get rid of them I will. I have Maniac and Grave’s okay to do what I have to do to make this deal work. With you connected to Malone, Maingarde and Rider its perfect.”
He held up a hand as Lucky was about to interrupt.