Page 30 of Menace
Listening to the bitch planning shit had him raging on the inside. They had a fucking rat in the club. But not only that, every single one of his brothers were in danger of being drugged, taken and forced to spill the club’s secrets.
They had a fuckload of those. Secrets.
His phone vibrated in his kutte pocket and he pulled it out, angling away from the much too interested bitch, opened and read the message. Putting it away he picked up his beer and slightly turned towards the bitch.
“Sorry, darlin’, I have to go. Club business.”
He stood and her hand dropped from his arm. Even though it fucking killed he had to go with the next fucking play.
“Gimme your number, darlin’, I’ll call to set up somethin’ later this week. We can do dinner or somethin’.” He forced his lips to tip up in a smile as he waited.
She didn’t disappoint, he programmed her number in as she recited. It was into the burner he had pulled from his pocket. Not the one he had just received a message on, but the spare he had waiting for just this moment. He sent her a quick text.
Will call you.
He gave her a nod when her phone chirped and she read the message. A satisfied little smile curved her lips.
Giving her a small smile he then did the same to the other women.
“Great meetin’ you ladies. Enjoy the rest of your evenin’.” He pointed a finger at the cartel whore. “I’ll be callin’ you soon.”
Turning he strode to where his brothers were waiting for him at the front door. They didn’t fuck about but left immediately. Lucky couldn’t wait to get to the clubhouse and report to his prez. He was so fucking pissed and his gut was churning like he’d fucking swallowed a live baby gator.
Stomping into the clubhouse he looked around the packed common room, wondering who the fuck was selling them out to the cartel. It had to be someone with something to hide, making them vulnerable to an approach by the cartel. Or someone who had money troubles and was hiding it from the club. Or someone with a grudge. Whoever it was they weren’t going to be anonymous for very long, Byte would find him or her.
And when he did…
Male or female the fucker would be put to ground. They did not allow traitors to keep breathing.
Walking into the office the look on their faces must have clued them in that something was wrong. His prez, VP and SAA silently waited for them to take their seats.
“What do you have for us?” His prez asked with narrowed eyes.
“You won’t fuckin’ believe this, Prez. The cartel slut is none other than Gloria Garcia. Back from the dead with a new face and a new name. The bitch might have a new face and lost the weight she used to carry but it’s her. I recognised her mole, the one between her tits that’s shaped like a flower. I took a photo and sent it to Byte to check against photos we have of her. She’s always liked to show off her big tits so there must be a photo of her in a bikini top or something.”
He drew in a deep breath then continued to lay it out while Dive and Lure stayed silent.
“What they’re doin’ is nothin’ good, Prez. The sluts thought I was a fuckin’ clueless muscle bound asshole. Talked in front of me, usin’ Spanish, not thinkin’ I might understand them. Stupid, or very clever, not sure which yet. We have a big problem. We have a fuckin’ rat, Boss. They have someone on the inside rattin’ on us. He or she is givin’ them information on who has a woman and who doesn’t. The fuckin’ cartel whore said ifIhad a woman they would use her to get me to talk. Not sure what the fuck they want from me.” Lucky growled.
Swearing and angry growls filled the air until Maniac whistled sharply. Silence instantly fell and all eyes were on their president.
“Fuck, Lucky, I’m sorry, brother. It must feel like you’re losin’ her all over again. I don’t know what else to say other than, I’m sorry brother. Sorry you’re losin’ her once again.”
Lucky slowly shook his head from side to side.
“Nope, that’s not true, Prez. I’m just comin’ to the realisation that I’ve been fixated on a ghost and a lie. I allowed a lie to ruin my fuckin’ life. But no more, it’s done, over. All I want to know is what the fuck she’s doin’ back and what she wants from me.”
“I have a good idea what they want from you, Lucky.” His prez was visibly pissed off. “You’re our Road Captain. You maintain our routes and plan new ones. The information you have in your head on our routes and everything involved with it will be invaluable to the fuckin’ cartel and through them to those motherfuckin’ Grave Robbers. What exactly did they say about the club and about your brothers?”
Lucky drew in a breath and repeated what had been said almost word for word. It was something Remy had taught him, memorising conversations. Only now did he realise how much he had learnt from his little brother without understanding he was being taught a new skill. He had to remember to thank the bastard when he spoke to him again.
“They were talkin’ about taking photos of the brothers and givin’ them to the rat to identify. I don’t like that brothers with ol’ ladies and girlfriends are goin’ to be vulnerable, Prez. And I’m worried about our families. We know how these bastards operate, nothin’ is sacred to them. They will target our women and children to get to us. How do we protect ourselves without lettin’ them know we’re on to them?”
A heavy silence descended as Maniac swung his chair back and forth, back and forth, nothing showing on his face. No emotion what so ever.
Drawing in a deep breath he stopped swinging and leaned forward, his eyes hard and cold.
“I want reports on every single motherfucker and bitch with access to the club. When I say everyone, I fuckin’ mean everyone. We’re diggin’ deep and we’re goin’ to be thorough. We missed somethin’ and that does not make me happy. Not at all. I’ll be reachin’ out to our trusted allies to give them a heads up. If we’re bein’ targeted I’m fuckin’ sure they are as well. We might have a situation developin’ across the board.”