Page 34 of Menace
There was a hard shove in the centre of my back and my feet slipped out from under me. I desperately clutched at the bannister with both hands, twisting my body to the side. As I started falling I caught a glimpse of Sinead, laughing as she ran off.
My last thought as I my ass hit the hard marble tiles was wondering if she knew she was on camera. Then I had no time to think, I was bumping and sliding down towards the first landing.
I desperately grabbed at the railing and just as I hit the landing and my feet shot over the first stair I hooked a hand around the post, halting my descent abruptly. The sudden jerk on my shoulder joint had me screaming in pain.
I didn’t realise that I had already been screaming and crying as I fell. I lay there half on the landing, half off moaning at the pain radiating through my abdomen.
Then I felt it, a gush from between my legs as something burst from me. At the same time Asa and Bren fell to their knees beside me, both looking horrified.
“Something’s wrong, I can feel it.” I whispered as I desperately held on to Bren’s hand while glaring at Asa. “She killed my baby, Asa. She pushed me and killed my baby.” I sobbed and moaned through the pain.
“Hold on, sweetheart, we’re taking you to the clinic. We’ll get you there and you and junior are going to be fine. You just need to hold on for me, okay?”
Asa held my hand and glanced up at someone, it was like flames shot from his eyes as he snarled out his orders.
“Dec, call her doctor and tell her we have an emergency and we’re bringing her to the clinic. Aidan have the cars ready to leave. Liam bring me a blanket to wrap around her. Rory and Bren, once we have the blanket settled around her, help me to lift her. Finn, I want the slut in a cell, she’s your family therefore your responsibility. She tried to kill someone under my protection and I won’t stand for it. Lock her in and meet us at the cars, don’t fucking linger or we’re leaving you here. I’ll deal with the slut later.”
I heard it as if from far away, I was focused on the pain in my back and abdomen.
It happened exactly the way Asa ordered it.
At the clinic he carried me in and gently set me down on the waiting gurney. One look at the worried faces around me and all I wanted was Rider.
“I want Rider, please Asa. I need him here, please call him. I need Rider.” I begged softly right before I was wheeled away.
“I’ll call him, don’t worry.” He called out as I was pushed into a waiting lift.
I was taken to the maternity ward and quickly checked over and hooked up to monitors. I sighed with relief when I heard my baby’s heartbeat. I had been so worried about him.
My doctor arrived in a rush and did an examination. Her face gave nothing away.
“What happened?” She asked from between my spread legs.
“I fell down some stairs.”
I couldn’t tell her I was pushed because that would involve cops and I couldn’t have that.
“I was going downstairs to make hot chocolate and slipped on the tiles.”
She nodded, a small frown between her eyes.
Once she was done she removed her gloves and dropped them in to the biohazards bin the nurse brought over. They had blood on them.
My eyes were riveted on the bin.
“What’s going to happen now?” I whispered fearfully.
“We’re going to do an ultrasound to confirm what I suspect. Once I’ve had a look we can make some decisions. Okay?”
I nodded and breathed through my fear. A commotion outside the door had the doctor and nurse both turning.
He came barrelling through the door, his hair wildly dishevelled fear and worry in his eyes. When he saw me he came straight to the bed, taking my hand in his.
“Damn, baby, I rode like a maniac to get here. All I was told was that you fell and I had to get here as fast as possible. What the fuck happened?” He growled as he leaned down and gave me a soft kiss.
The doctor got to him before I could answer.
“I assume you’re the baby’s father. Your lady took a bad fall and we’re about to do an ultrasound to check on your son.”