Page 55 of Menace
The bastard on her other side said in a concerned voice.
Ink nodded at him as he escorted her away from reception.
She didn’t look at him, ignoring him.
Holding one hand against her back as if it hurt, the bodyguard took her deeper into the studio. He didn’t like that she hurt. No he didn’t, not at all. He watched them until he couldn’t see her anymore.
Ink stalked to him, moved right into his space even though he was several inches shorter.
“What the fuck, Lucky?”
He kept his voice low as he answered.
“Sorry for causin’ shit, Ink. I can explain about the gash but only if prez says it’s okay. Who is that woman?”
He apologised but everything inside him waited for the answer to his question. And his brother, who was one wide awake motherfucker, noticed.
Ink’s eyes narrowed, his head tilting to the side ever so slightly.
“Harper Delaney, and she’s under the club’s protection. Ask Maniac about her because that’s all I can give you. I’m not fuckin’ happy with you allowin’ gash to talk to one of mine like that, brother. We’re goin’ to have a conversation about that.”
Lucky gave a nod. Their entire conversation had been done in low voices.
“She’s done and won’t be comin’ back, you have my word. Now I’m gonna have to act like a prick. Can’t have the gash realisin’ I’m not takin’ her side. Need you to go along with me.”
Stepping back he shoved Ink on the shoulder.
“I’ll be seein’ you at the club, motherfucker, and you better be ready to face me.” He snarled.
“Fuck off, Lucky. You’re not the only one who is good with his fists. Get the fuck out of my shop and don’t come back if you know what’s good for you.”
Ink gave as good as he got.
And Lucky took it.
He had to.
The shit with the slut wasn’t done and he still needed to cover his ass.
Not for much longer though.
Storming out of the studio he overheard some of what Carmella was saying. It was all in Spanish of course. She glanced at him, pulled a pissed off face and carried on talking.
“Papa, don’t worry, I have him right where I want him.”
She listened to whatever her father was saying before carrying on.
“He started a fight with one of the other members of his club, defending me. It will isolate him. It will put him right where we want him, estranged from the club. I’ll bring him in soon. You know I will.”
Nodding as she listened, she glanced at him, gave a little shrug then looked back down at the sidewalk.
“You have my word. I’ll hand him over to Pablo to do what he does best. There’s one other thing. I have found a plaything for Mr White. The bitch is exactly the type he always requests, tattooed, arrogant and pretty. She has a child though, we’ll have to get rid of the parasite before shipping her out. She works at their tattoo shop and I didn’t see any protection. She’ll be easy to snatch.”
Everything inside him froze when he realised what she was saying. She was planning to abduct Joney, kill her baby and then sell her to one of their clients. A client that sounded like he had a thing for breaking strong women.