Page 68 of Menace
Reveal to him that she was the woman he had supposedly lost in a drive-by shooting many years ago.
Carmella’s failure to bring in Boudreaux left him with only one option. Her past.
No one was going to like his plan but in the end they would understand and agree.
Years ago Carmella had done a sensitive job for the family and they had to pull her out before it was done. To keep her identity hidden it had been necessary for her to disappear, permanently.
Her telling the biker she was his love back in the flesh would be a shock and cause confusion.
Exactly what he wanted. The bikers off their game and vulnerable to a take-over.
Lifting his phone he called Jorge and set a time to meet with Pablo.
It was time to bring this mess to a close.
Bring it to a close and use Carmella the way she was always meant to be used.
As a sacrifice for the family business.
I watched quietly as the doctor examined Ry.
My boy couldn’t be bothered, he lay on the examination table happy as a clam. Gurgling and kicking as she did what she had to do. Not even the foreign object in his ears or nose affected his happy baby gurgles.
She smiled at him and tickled him under the chin then stepped back.
“Okay, you can dress him and come into the office once you’re done.”
I quickly dressed him, gathered his stuff and went to Doc Ellen’s office. I was slightly nervous but only slightly.
She looked at the monitor on her desk and smiled as she looked at me.
“First things first. Ryder is strong and progressing very well and I’m happy. He’s development is a bit faster than most premature babies but it’s not a worry.” She sat forward and I stiffened at the serious look on her face.
“I want to keep monitoring him just to be on the safe side. I don’t want you to worry, it’s just a precaution. We like to keep an eye on our premies just in case they develop problems. Your boy eats well, is gaining weight nicely and is bright and aware. Again, please understand this is just a precaution.”
She smiled reassuringly and typed something on her keyboard.
“Okay, I understand and I’m happy to bring him in for a check-up regularly.” I said.
“Good. Janelle will give you the date of your next appointment. I think a month from now would be good.”
Her calm demeanour calmed me as well and I started to relax.
I was out of there in record time once she was done with me. Janelle would send me an email with the details of our next appointment.
Bren kept glancing at me as we drove to the studio, a worried frown on his face. Viper was silent, focused on driving and watching his mirrors.
“Is everything okay with Ry?” Bren finally asked.
“He’s doing great, growing and healthy. She wants to see him in about a months’ time again. She says it’s because he was born premature and because of the fall.” I explained.
Viper gave me a quick glance in the rear view mirror.
“You fell, is that why he was born prematurely?” He asked.