Page 82 of Menace
He should have known she wouldn’t agree. She was so self-centred she was under the impression she could run the operation. She was wrong.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had him followed? I could have been with the team last night. We could have taken him, the slut and the parasite and blown their safe house to pieces.”
Sighing he pointed at the screen where the drone footage was still displayed. The heat imaging showed the images of a group of three people while two others patrolled the property. They hadn’t been able to hang around the area because the bikers ran patrols in the suburb and they had to pull back. He would have liked to know why the biker came to talk to the woman. Once they had him he knew Pablo would get the information they needed. She had to be someone important if they kept her in a well secured safe house.
“They have cameras everywhere and I won’t be surprised if it’s monitored at their clubhouse. We would have been seen before we got close enough. We have to bide our time and take him when no one is watching.”
“I want the fat slut.” Carmella snarled. “She’s mine.”
“No. The fact that she’s being kept in a well secured safe house means she and her kid is important to someone. They are either keeping her safe for an associate or she belongs to one of them. I don’t want the bikers riled up and coming after us before we’re ready for them. There are too many clubs that would join the Wraiths and come for us if we fuck with one of their women. We’re building a strong presence here but we’re not there yet and our allies aren’t ready either.”
He saw the disbelief in her eyes. He was going to have to watch her to ensure she didn’t pull them into something they wouldn’t be able to fix or survive.
If they did this right the club will believe the biker chose the bitch, known to them as Gloria, over his club. He was a pathetic loser dragging after the bitch all these years. What a joke allowing a woman to have control over his life the way he did.
Weak, he was obviously weak.
And that weakness was going to give him what he wanted, no, what he needed.
Not only the club’s routes and connections but the location of their stash houses. They had to have thousands of dollars’ worth of product stashed and he wanted all of it.
He would have it in his hands as soon as Carmella brought the asshole in and Pablo did his magic.
No way was he allowing his daughter to fuck this up for him, for Los Rojos.
She’ll do the job he had assigned her and they would get the information they needed to take the bikers out. Everything they owned would belong to Los Rojos, their product, their shipping company, their routes, and their women. He was looking forward to testing a few of those whores.
Once all his rivals were taken care of he was going to be the king of Savannah.
He smiled at his only child, it wasn’t a good smile.
“You will keep your head together and follow Pablo’s instructions. He’s now in charge of getting us what we need.”
Without saying a word she stormed out of his office, throwing him a furious look over her shoulder as she disappeared out of the door.
If looks could kill he would be dead. He didn’t care. Soon she would no longer be a part of his family.
Carmella was living on borrowed time.
Then again, maybe he should get her out of the way sooner. He could sell her to their client. She was exactly the type he liked.
Nodding to himself he went back to work.
There was time enough to arrange her sale or her death.
Either was acceptable.
I woke up feeling better than I had in months. Stretching lazily I winced as muscles I hadn’t used in forever protested. Turning on my back I lifted my arms then let them fall out to the side, feeling the emptiness on either side of me.
He wasn’t in bed with me and of course I knew he wouldn’t be there. I had woken up when he was getting ready to leave. After his kiss goodbye I had fallen asleep almost immediately. But now I was awake and wondering if he had meant what he had said.
I didn’t have time to think about it as Ry started moving around and grunting.
My boy was an excellent grunter and I knew exactly what that grunt meant, a dirty nappy.