Page 53 of Ink
Sophie's sobs wreck her body, taking everything in me to not rush over to her as my father places a kiss on her head, holding her tightly to him and slowly pushing Leah away from her best friend.
"Ashley has struggled with depression since losing her husband four years ago to cancer. He was a respectable deputy who was loved by many. She loved him more than life itself. But despite feeling like she was dying inside, she stood strong for her daughter because she hadn't just lost her soul mate; her daughter lost her best friend, her hero, her daddy." I lock eyes with my girl's sad green ones. "Ashely couldn't cope with the loss any longer. She knew her daughter was safe and set because I came into her life bringing a whole big family with me. I put her first despite messing up a couple of times that still required a lot of groveling that Ashely ensured I would continue to do for years to come."
Some of the brothers smirk and some chuckle, while I finally get a small smile from my girl as she leans her head on my father's shoulder while Leah clutches her hand.
"Ashely was an amazing mother and an amazing friend, and in some ways, Ashley was selfish because she left her daughter, who still needs her. She chose to willingly leave this earth, to leave her daughter knowing she would have been the one to find her, to try to save her." I swallow again, hoping Sophie hears my words, "but she was also brave."
Tears fall from my girl's eyes, and I don't break our contact.
"She was brave because she took that step to be back with her love, the man whom she spent a whole lifetime devoting to and creating a family with. She was struggling and only stayed as long as she did for her daughter to ensure her daughter had a good life heading her way before leaving this earth and returning to her soulmate. She couldn't breathe anymore; you could see the pain in her eyes every day. She wanted to be at peace with her love, knowing her daughter was happy. Well, Ashley is now at peace, looking down on her daughter with her love, the father of her child standing tall next to her."
I can't stand here anymore, seeing my girl fall apart in my father's arms as Leah falls apart, refusing to take Gunner's comfort. I turn and place my hand on the coffin, rasping, "I promise, I'll always put her first," before I return to my girl. My father stands before I take his place, taking my girl into my arms, her legs going sideways on my lap as her head goes to the crook of my neck. At the same time, the music starts, and the deputies all stand and head towards the coffin. They slowly carry her out to 'Carrie Underwoods – Mama Song' as I half hold my girl up, following them to the graveyard where she'll be laid to rest next to her husband.
A while later, we're all at the clubhouse, where food and drink are being served. Sophie sat beside me, my arm around the back of her chair, as she stared straight ahead. Clitter has come over several times and helped me get her to eat little bits since we sat down while Leah watched her from the bar. She's leaning against it with Gunner right next to her, but her eyes are solely focused on my girl, and I swallow hard at the look in her eyes.
She's pulling away from their friendship.
I look back at my girl right before Cara slinks up next to Gunner, who automatically puts his arms around her as he talks to Axel and Hawk, standing right in front of them. Leah notices, and pain shines through her eyes before she moves away from him, and he doesn't even notice.
Fuck, what a fucking idiot!
I hear a slam next to me, and the clubhouse quietens, and we all turn to look at my girl in shock, who is standing up, her chair on the floor. Her face is full of anger, but her eyes are locked on Gunner.
I see he's also looking at Soph in confusion while Cara smirks at an upset Leah.
Oh shit.
I vaguely hear Clitter mutter next to me as my girl's face gets redder: "Shit, she's finally decided to focus on her anger, and Gunner has become the target for hurting her friend."
Sophie rushes over to Gunner, who stands there looking at her with worry and shock as I run after her before she pulls her fist back and swings, hitting him right in the lip, cutting him, and making Cara fall backward in a very dramatic way, considering she wasn't even touched.
I grab hold of Sophie around the waist before she leans forward to try and grab him again, but I hold her tightly before she starts to shout at him.
Chapter 21
I can't stop myself, even if I wanted to.
Anger has taken hold of me; it holds me so tight that I'm struggling to breathe.
For the past week, since finding Momma, I've been in a comatose state. I'll cry, I'll scream, but then I'll go numb, not seeing anything or anyone around me, but seeing the look of pain on my best friend's face, my sister from another mister who is pregnant, my friend who is also mourning someone she saw as a mother, who basically raised her, I've finally snapped.
My thoughts start to whirl because I don't even feel the pain in my hand after hitting Gunner.
She left me!
She left Leah!
She chose to be selfish like she was the only one hurting.
She. Fucking. Left. Us.
I look back towards Gunner, whose lip is bleeding, and my anger turns back to him.