Page 57 of Ink
She flinches at the nickname but nods her head before starting the van. Gunner looks at my girl with concern but also gratitude for opening his eyes before he shuts the door, and Leah pulls away from the cemetery.
The guys all form a formation around the van, with Axel in front, heading back home.
When we return, all the brothers are waiting in the driveway as I guide Leah around the clubhouse towards our little estate. They all sigh at seeing my girl before dropping their heads in respect while concern etches their features. A few minutes later, Leah pulls into my drive before Dagger opens the door, helping me out. At the same time, my girl stays passed out in my arms before I quickly move her inside, then to my master bedroom, laying her on my black sheets as Doc sets up her IV before putting the needle in her arm. At the same time, I sit next to her, running my fingers through her hair.
I look up as Doc sighs.
"She'll be out of it for a while; her body's in shock, so it's trying to protect itself. I'll come check on her a little later."
I nod and rasp, "Thank you," as he walks out of the room but not before looking at Leah first while Gunner and Dagger lean against the light gray bedroom wall as Leah sits on the end of the bed. I look down at my girl, watching her with my heart in my throat, when Gunner clears his throat. "I'm going to take Leah back to mine; I'll come to check in later as well."
Leah's head snaps to him, and she narrows her eyes, making him clear his throat again, knowing he's in for a fight to win her over.
"It's just while she's sleeping, Angel, then I can bring you back."
She narrows her eyes at him, and I smirk before leaning over my girl, giving Leah's hand a squeeze. She looks at me, making her white blonde hair with blue streaks fall over her face. She pushes it away while I nod at her, making her sigh before she gets up and kisses Sophie's head before whispering, "I love you." She then turns and leaves the room, making sure there's enough room through the door so Gunner doesn't touch her, making him sigh and look at me. I give him a smile and a nod and say, "Thanks, brother."
He tilts his head toward me before leaving while Dagger stays.
"Brother," he rasps with pain, and I sigh.
I know the problem, and I'm shitfucking scared as I rasp, "She'll need covering for a while, I know. A brother on her at all times."
I lean forward and kiss her head before walking over to Dag, leaning next to him on the wall, watching my girl.
"Her mother unintentionally, most likely, put the thought in her head."
I nod because he's right: "I know Trav. I know."
He sighs, "I've never seen anyone fall apart as badly as she did. I mean, one of my men lost his wife to cancer, and he never reacted this way."
I clear my throat, looking at him briefly before looking back at my girl. "Her momma, she was her world. After her daddy died, her momma became her person. She feels lost and alone even though she's not alone; she has me, she has Leah, and she has our club, but she doesn't see it that way. I kept our relationship on the fucking down low, not wanting the sweet butts and old ladies to scare her away. I mean, the brothers on their own can be a lot to handle, but all of them together." I shake my head. "I wanted to have my ring on her finger before bringing her into the fold of an MC club, but it's biting me in the ass big time lately, especially now and Leah after what just happened in the clubhouse."
I sigh.
He gives me a sad smile. "We'll get her through it, brother; all of us will, together. It'll take time, but I'll speak to Axel; we'll get a council brother on her, not a prospect." I nod as Axel speaks, "Talk to me about what?" He looks at my girl and furrows his brows with concern before looking back at us when Dagger says.
"She needs monitoring twenty-four-seven for a little while, not by a prospect."
Axel nods before looking back at my girl. "Her momma may have taken the easy way out to be back with her love, but we won't let your girl follow suit, Ink."
I nod, not taking my eyes off my beautiful woman. Even in her sleep, you can see the pain that etches all over her features.
She's hurting and not thinking straight, but I won't lose her; I can't; I've only just got her back.
Sighing, I run a hand through my hair.
I need to discuss something else: "Any more news on Hairy's whereabouts?"
Axels huff, "Fucking no. Slicer can't find him in the location he was last seen."
Dagger leans back, his eyes on my girl, a protected brother look clouding over them, making me smile. "It was definitely him, which means we either have a rat in our clubhouse, and they've told him about Slicer going there for him, or Snake has because he's gone too."
Fuck, I sigh again before looking at my girl. "We know some men are loyal to Hairy in his club, but we can't count ours out. My only thought would be Leslie, but she wasn't here when Slicer went."
They both nod.
"Unless an old lady told her, not realizing?"