Page 64 of Ink
Tell Leah, tell her I love her and that I'm so grateful to have become the person she saw as a mother because, just like you, she is my daughter, and I love her so much. I'm sorry I can't help her during these months, but I know she has you, baby, her sister, and her rock.
I love you, baby girl; your daddy loved you.
I'm sorry to be saying this; I am, but I'm hurting so bad, so much, and it's time, sweet girl; it's time I return to my love while you live your life long and hard with yours.
I'm so sorry. So, so sorry.
Love Always
Your Momma xx
I burst into tears while Jackson wrapped his arms around me tightly, holding me close to him and rocking me back and forth, not willing to let me go. The pain of her leaving me and the pain she endured for four years poured out of my sobs.
He holds me tight until my tears dry up and I'm only hiccupping, and even once I calmed down, his hold didn't lessen; instead, he ran his fingers up and down my spine while my nose was back in the crook of his neck, my favorite place to be, and I played with his lip ring gently with my fingers, making him smile.
"When is Dagger proposing?"
Jackson snorts, "Tomorrow, apparently. He's bricking it, but I don't know why. Mel forgave him; we MC men like to fuck up, as you already know." I giggle into his neck because, yes, they do. I'm just glad he never cheated because I wouldn't be sitting on his lap if he did. I give great credit to Mel for agreeing to give him another go, but I couldn't do it. I'd be worried all the time; it's not the way to live.
Jackson brings me back as he says, "She loves him; I think she'll say yes—no, I know she will."
I nod in agreement, "She will. They've been through so much to give up now."
Jackson hums before sighing, "You ready, baby?"
I slowly close my eyes, the skies darkening in the Texan dust, and I know now is the time to go see my Momma, so I nod, and Jackson stands with me in his arms, bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck, keeping my face tuckedinto it, letting him carry me back to his bike because, being in his arms, there's no other place I'd rather be.
Not long later, I put flowers on both of my parents' graves. I stand near Momma's and slowly close my eyes as my tears start to fall again, my sobs becoming louder when I hear her voice.
"We're so proud of you, baby girl; we love you."
Chapter 26
I lean back on my bike as I watch my girl fall to her knees, sobbing. I have to fist my hands that I've tucked under my armpits after crossing my arms over my chest to stop myself from grabbing her and comforting her. My tight black v-shirt tightened with the strain of my tense arms. I promised to let her do this alone, with me in the background.
I know this is something she has to do, but it fucking kills me to see her in pain.
Reading that letter and feeling my girl's tears on my neck was fucking hard, but I knew she had to read it; she had to hear her mother's last words and the pain she was feeling in order to move forward. Ashley never wanted to hurt her daughter; she just couldn't live in a world without the man she spent most of her life with. The reason for leaving Sophie doesn't make it okay, but I think it helps her understand where her mother was coming from. She was a shell of a woman; you could see her pain and the false persona she put on every day, and she did that for her daughter. She was a good mother, just a lost one who couldn't be without her love any longer.
After about five more minutes, I can't take it any longer. I push off my bike and stalk towards my girl. I squat behind her, wrapping my arms tight around her from over her shoulders, and she leans back into me.
"You did well; I thought you'd have lasted only a minute."
I smirk at her rasp before gently brushing my lips against her ear. "Trust me, Pixie, five minutes was not easy." She giggles a watery giggle, and I smile before placing my face into her neck and inhaling her vanilla scent. This is good; it's progress. She hasn't reverted back to herself again.
"She was hurting."
I nodded. "She was baby. She wanted to be here with you and with Leah, but the more she spent mourning her husband, the more she struggled to breathe."
Sophie sniffles, "I'm so mad at her for leaving me. It doesn't matter that I have you and Leah; a daughter always needs her mother, but I also understand. I saw her struggle every day; she'd work all the time just to forget her pain while screaming at night for him; she wasn't willing to move on with her life without my daddy."
I nod again against her head, and my arms squeeze her tighter at her whispered words.
"I forgive you, momma."
We stay like this for over an hour. My legs ache like a bitch, but I wouldn't move even if someone had a gun to my head. As soon as she says she's ready, I pick her up before she places her head into the crook of my neck, and I carry her to my bike, prepared to get my girl home.