Page 24 of Holiday Home 2
Among the two or so dozen vehicles in sight, all but one was in motion, carrying their drivers swiftly toward their destinations. One of them, however, a familiar blue Audi RS7, sat on the side of the road, quite close to where he’d seen it just twenty-four hours ago.
As relief flooded him, so did a desire to escape the cold. Hurrying toward it, its owner just looked up from her phone as he reached it. Reaching for the passenger door’s handle, he saw through her tinted windows as Avril thrust one of her hands toward the locking mechanism on her door. Her attempted cruelty was half a second too slow.
“You’re literally the worst,” he loudly complained as the door swung open, granting him a prime opportunity to glare at the car’s owner.
“Not true,” the woman inside unapologetically said, smirking. “I could have given you the wrong time and shown up ten minutes from now.”
“I should just climb in, shoes covered in snow and all,” he fired back.
Eyes as pure as genuine emeralds widened. “Don’t you dare!”
“You’d deserve it if I did,” he said, turning and entering her car back first. He whacked his shoes together, letting the snow clinging to them reconnect with the other several thousand tons of snow outside Avril Knight’s car. Once he did pull his legs inside, shutting the door and indulging in the heat blasting from the vents in front of him, he eyed the sexiest redhead he knew.
A catlike grin awaited him, and the car remained parked as its driver let him thoroughly examine her.
“Are we shopping today, or are we robbing these stores?” Liam asked, raising an eyebrow as his eyes rose and fell across Avril’s chosen outfit.
“I haven’t decided yet,” Avril said, shrugging.
Black was the color of the day for Anna’s sultry, scheming, and far too sexy roommate. Black boots led to black leggings, which led to a black, nearly skintight jacket whose plunging zipper had been dragged almost as low as it could. The only splotch of color she wore was an orange beanie, but he barely noticed it. His eyes couldn’t rise far enough up her body to focus on it. He wasn’tnearlycelibate enough to keep from indulging in what she’d intentionally put on display. For him. For his arrival. Unless there was a third passenger for their shopping trip that he didn’t know about yet.
Avril Knight had the body of a supermodel. In fact, that was precisely what he’d assumed she must be when they’d met for the first time a week ago. She had height, she had fair, smooth skin, and she had hourglass curves that accentuated her simply inconsiderate degree of voluptuousness. She was shaped to seduce, and her long eyelashes, shimmering eyes, and coquettish, full lips completed her physical appeal.
Her phenomenal beauty was like a stun grenade to anyone who got too close, and he’d certainly spent his fair share of time quite close to her. She was simply too effortlessly sexy to ignore. Especially dressed in tight-fitting clothes, her magnificent breasts straining so firmly against her slim jacket’s dark fabric. He couldn’t even tell if she was wearing a bra underneath it. His body’s immediate hope was that he might find out.
“Done drinking from the oasis?” Avril asked, laying her hands, which her jacket covered to the beginning of her thumbs, on top of her steering wheel. Her breasts swelled as the movement pressed them together. That was the other thing about Avril.
She damn well knew how erotic a figure she cut, and she wasn’t shy about flaunting it, in private, in public, even in front of her roommate and professors while they all played cards together.
“I’m good,” he said, fighting off a tinge of redness from staking its claim on his face. “I’ve forgiven you for trying to lock me out of your car.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Avril said, sighing her relief. “What would I ever do if you were mad at me?”
“Not get a Christmas gift, for one thing.”
Avril’s lips formed a crooked smile. “If you do that, you’ll look like an ass whenIgive you my present tomorrow. And after I put so much effort into making it.”
“Making it?”
Avril whistled toward the roof of her car, then finally shifted it out of park. Checking her mirrors, she soon belabored her vehicle back onto the road. Their thirty-minute drive toward the mall finally began.
“Making it?” Liam repeated, eyeing her suspiciously.
“Don’t you worry about it,” the maverick redhead said. “You’ll find out in just one more day.”
He kept staring at her. “It’s not going to explode with glitter when I open it or anything, is it?”
“And have Tess ban me from her home forever for the mess? No, no, you’re free from any glittery explosions. This year.”
“What about what you’re getting everyone else?” he said, hoping he might deduce if she was operating with a theme of any sort. It was a long shot, but they had a long enough drive ahead of them for him to whittle away a few minutes interrogating her.
“You’ll find out that, too. Just don’t cave to Tess or Anna and let them knowwhatI’m getting them, or I’ll kick you in the shin.”
“Oh, yeah. Tess really, really wants you to avoid getting Victoria anything that would embarrass her.”
Avril grinned. “So, she mentioned the lingerie I got her last year?”
An image of Victoria Moreno, a woman who caused conflicting emotions in him, in revealing lingerie delayed Liam’s reply. On one hand, she was as amiable as an icicle to the throat. On the other, she was so jaw-droppingly voluptuous that her presence had managed to distract her from Tess while they’d stood in the same room together—something he hadn’t believed was even possible at the time.