Page 34 of Holiday Home 2
There was little about that day that he didn’t remember, least of all this. A promise, one where she’d treathimright after he’d treated her breasts so nicely.
“Oh, and you still haven’t told me about what you’re planning for New Year’s Eve.”
Her response was a flat stare. “You know, no one likes a guy who remembers things his girlfriend doesn’t want him to remember.”
“Are you my girlfriend now?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “I thought that was supposed to be Anna.”
Her stare became a glare. “You’re enjoying being smug far too much. It’s a bad look for you.”
Unable to help it, he grinned. “I don’t get to do it very often around you. I’ve got to make the most of the times when I can.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she said. “I’m good forallmy debts, so let me add one more. You bring in the presents and spare me from shivering in the cold anymore tonight, and I’ll let you be as hands-on as you want while I’m in your house. It’s a free period study hall.”
Elated, Liam still forced his expression to remain neutral. “And you tell me about New Year’s Eve.”
“And I’ll give you a fewhintsabout New Year’s Eve.”
A brief enough silence followed, in which the two of them jostled for control in the depths of the other’s eyes. Liam knew he could have gotten more, though probably only scraps, not the handfuls of gemstones that he really wanted. Ultimately, he decided that he’d won enough prizes in the current round of negotiations for him to be content.
“Okay,” he said. “But you’re carrying some presents on the first trip.”
She huffed at him but spun around as she unbuckled herself and grabbed a few bags. Liam first grabbed his coat to throw it on, then decided to let Avril have one final gift. Handing it over to her, he further armed her for her singular foray into the gelid evening.
She still had him take a head start. Once he’d emerged from her passenger seat, breath puffing out in white plumes while carrying about half of the bags comfortably, he jogged over the walkway and up the steps to his porch. Only once he’d reached it, placing a few bags beside him to nab his keys and unlock his front door, did Avril flee her car’s warmth. He’d only just opened it when she, dashing after him, caught up. They hastily stepped inside, and he deposited his bags beside her. Thankfully, he only needed one more trip, about twenty-five more seconds spent shivering, to get the rest.
For the price of his chilly shivers, he intended to make sure the reward ended up being well worth it.
More than a dozen bags sat in his entryway after he made it safely indoors, elbowing the door shut and keeping the winter chill where it belonged—far, far away from them. Most of the bags were brimming with the gifts that Avril had purchased. Although he hadn’t been keeping track, he was sure she’d reached her spending objective. However, he was now more focused on one bag among the many. In no way did he intend to let Avril dig through any of the bags until he’d stowed his gifts to her safely away.
Nevertheless, there was a gift that he was currently more interested in, and it stood beside the forest of colorful, glossy laminate. She wasn’t shivering nearly as much as when they’d hurried into the mall a few hours ago. That didn’t mean she’d taken off his coat yet, however.
That would be his imminent responsibility.
“A picture will last longer,” Avril said, noticing his focus on her.
“I might take some tonight.”
An electrifying, verdant font of desire flourished within the gorgeous redhead’s eyes. Flourishedandpersisted. It wasn’t there and then gone in a flash. It wasn’t a brief but quickly stowed away shimmer. It was a burgeoning expansion. Growth. Change. Lingering.
“We’ll see how good you are at wrapping presents,” Avril replied.
“And unwrapping?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s tomorrow.”
Liam moved forward. He passed through the forest of shopping bags without any issue, arriving at the beatific vision of a woman on the other side. She waited for him, eyes continuing to shine anticipatorily. He didn’t stop until only inches separated them. Avril’s luscious mouth curved.
“I know you’ve heard about opening one a day in advance,” he said, parched for a prolonged taste of that mouth.
Leaning forward, inch by inch, Avril shaved away the scant distance remaining between them. She started to rise on her toes, lips gliding toward his. Yet, just as she brushed her magnificent breasts against his chest, she suddenly deviated like a biplane pulling off a midair twist.
Breezing by him, she bent toward the nearest shopping bag and started rooting through it. Jason immediately frowned and began to tell her off. The last thing he intended to let her do was spoil his surprise for her.
That was definitely the only thing she was doing. Heronlygoal.
It most certainly wasn’t.
As he started growling at her to move away from the bags, it was impossible for him not to stare, not to feel the blood rush into his groin, not to gulp. Thoughts and witty responses voided his mind, replaced by a powerful urge at his core, which spread like electricity surging through a telephone pole to his hands.