Page 38 of Holiday Home 2
No. That deal had been about Tess and Anna. The purpose, the price.
Tess and Anna had nothing to do with the coalescent emotions crowding around them now. It had plenty to do with the jokingly proclaimed “date” they’d gone on at the mall. It had plenty to do with the passion pumping through their veins after he’d delivered her three sensational orgasms. And it would probably have a lot to do with the titjob he knew he’d get from her when he asked for it in a little while. Maybe they weren’t yet ready to fully admit the truth of these things, but theyweretrue, nonetheless.
Avril swallowed once, took a deep breath, and then smiled. Soft, endearing, suffused less with seductiveness than affection.
“Well, duh. I have to look after my little protégé, or who knows what kind of inept job you’ll make of everything. Can’t have you bungling everything, or it could reflect badly on me. So, yeah, it’s a deal. I’m not going anywhere.”
Liam grinned, heart jubilant. “I don’t mind that. You do look pretty sexy sprawled out on my floor.”
Avril snorted and finally shoved herself up to a seated position. “You’re just lucky I let you know where I’m weak. I didn’t want you to spend thirty minutes fumbling around in the dark.”
“You’re lucky Ididn’tspend thirty minutes going after you. Based on how hard you were cumming each time, you’d still be twitching in your afterglow if I had.”
Avril rolled her eyes. “Yeah, sure. Whatever keeps your ego inflated. Excellence is defined by consistency, not the night all your stars align.”
“Okay. Then just make sure I have consistent opportunities to prove this wasn’t a fluke.”
“Don’t you think I’ve already done that?” Avril stood, and he followed a moment later. “I mean, I keep throwing you bones. Don’t get all smug just because you can catch them between your teeth.”
“It’s not really aboneI’m focusing on currently.”
Shaking her head at him for his horrendous wordplay, her eyes still ended up on the pronounced proof of his continuing arousal. And lingered. And lingered.
“And just what doesthathave to do with me?”
“I’d like it to have something to do with your sexy tits,” he said, earning a smirk from the gorgeous redhead who owned them.
“Have you ever even gotten a tit fuck before?”
That caught him up, unfortunately. “Well… no. So, you could be the first.”
“Iwillbe the first,” she corrected, lifting her beautifully verdant eyes to his. “And it’ll be better than what anyone else, even Tess, could ever give to you. Just wait and see.” Grinning, she gestured toward the bags behind her. “But you’ll be no good to help me wrap these after I wring you dry, so we’re going to do this first.”
Impatience permeated him, mind, body, and soul. Like a sprinter at a starting block, he was charged with urgency for the race to begin. It was only the faith that Avril would ensure he received an experience as good as she promised that kept him docile. For that opportunity, he could wait just a bit longer for his turn to experience body-writhing release.
Chapter Fifteen
Big Sis Avril
He took the bag that held her presents with him when he went upstairs, scoffing at her condemnation for not trusting her more. From there, he headed somewhere he’d not gone since he and Tess had gathered up his Christmas lights and ornaments. Hopefully, their luck was a bit better than his and Tess’s had ended up. Otherwise, he’d start assuming that his attic could summon blizzards.
At the very least, it wouldn’t take nearly as long or require them to suffer in the cold for several hours. He hoped. With Avril, he could never be quite sure about what she had in store for him.
Because of that, he checked over his shoulder as he reached his attic. He wouldn’t have put it past her to attempt to follow him, identify where he was stashing her gifts, and then later find a way to escape his sight and steal a peek. As far as he could tell, she remained downstairs, in the process of moving the rest of the gifts that she’d purchased into his living room.
Pulling down the ladder to his attic, he took every precaution, moving as quietly up it as he could. Once there, he quickly removed the shirt and hat from their bag, laid them out neatly, and obtained the nearby long plastic tub that held roll after roll of wrapping paper. Angling one end up, he dragged it along behind him and carefully removed it from the attic. After sealing it back up, he repeated the process on the stairs.
“You weren’t kidding,” Avril said, sitting cross-legged among the shopping bags as he dragged the tub into his living room. Next to her sat the scissors, scotch tape, and Sharpie that he’d informed her could be found in a drawer within his kitchen. He set his shopping bag down with the others, then maneuvered the tub to Avril’s side. “Waste naught, lose naught.”
“There are stickers in here for the paper that doesn’t have a spot for writing, too,” he informed her, sitting on the other side of the tub. Popping the lid off, he slid it out of the way.
In unison, he and Avril scanned the copious, flashy, colorful rolls of wrapping paper between them. There were at least twenty rolls available, some more used than others. He couldn’t remember the last time his parents had gone shopping for more, so the youngest roll might be several years old.
“Santa, snowflakes, trains—we’ve got ‘em all,” Avril said, rooting around within the tub with a smile. “Should we theme things or just go wild?”
“We could theme things,” he said, following her hands as she pulled out five or six favorites. “Just don’t give Victoria all the ice and snow-related ones.”
“You know me so well,” Avril said, grinning. Snatching two more rolls that earned her favor, she slid the tub away. “But not well enough. Clearly, I’d play against her type and make sure she gets only the most colorful, childlike wrapping paper on her presents.”