Page 69 of Holiday Home 2
“Eh, I don’t really like tuxes that much. Find some color, a silk shirt or something.”
“Guess I’ll be clothes shopping this week,” Liam said, closet somewhat devoid of formal attire—thatformal, anyway. A part of him was surprised that Avril hadn’t dropped an outfit that suited her tastes on his lap as a final present.
At least he’d have something to wear if he ever did land that visit to Vegas with his uncle.
“Get to it. Underdressed people get sent home to pick out another outfit.” As sudden as a bolt of lightning, a spark of ingenuity zapped through her verdant eyes. “Actually, why don’t you let Anna help you pick something out? You two can go shopping together this week. She’s got good enough taste.”
Surprisingly, Anna neither sighed nor frowned as Avril volunteered her services.
“If you’re okay with that, I’d be happy to find a day to do so,” she said.
“Sure,” he replied. “I’d be happy to have your help.”
First with Avril, now with Anna. If things kept proceeding as they had, he’d have gotten a shopping experience with all four women before he went back to school.
“So, where is this happening?” Tess asked. “The clubhouse?”
Avril nodded. “I’ve got it rented out for the whole evening. We can stay for as long as we like. I’ve got everything all planned out, so you all just need to bring your lovely selves and your glittery evening gowns.” Pausing, her emerald eyes rapidly relocated to the most buxom among them. “And you are all coming,right?I’m running a game for four players, so I need all of you to show up.”
Victoria’s icy blues and Avril’s vivid greens briefly clashed. Coolness met obstinance in a battle that the almost-sisters-in-law must have fought before. As used to getting her way as Avril might be, Victoria seemed to be the one woman she might not be able to bend to her will—who might just tell her no straight to her face. Even Anna had elected to go behind her back rather than confront her over her dating situation.
Of course, in this situation, he was somewhat biased toward Avril continuing to get her way. Given how stylishly she dressed in casual circumstances, the idea of seeing Victoria in formal dress wasn’t one that he wanted to go back to college without having experienced at least once.
“I can attend,” the gorgeous brunette said in her usual calm, collected way.
That was enough for Avril. As she sped her attention along to the rest of them, no one else made her wait as long before confirming their availability.
“Then the reservations are officially made. No being late!”
The rest of the party passed without too much more in the way of surprises and excitement. With dinner, the opening of their presents, and the reveal of their plans in one week’s time now behind them, they settled in for some final relaxation before the party’s end. Even Avril aligned herself to this diminished energy, turning her temperature down to a mild simmer for the rest of the evening.
A few more worthwhile opportunities still dropped into his lap before the party’s official termination. Thanks to Tess, he got to try that ridiculously expensive chocolate, which he found delicious but still too pricey for him ever to consider it as anything but a once-in-a-year treat. Later, he ended up “bumping into” Avril in the hallway, where she grinned and pressed her lips to his neck, acting like she planned to imitate what he’d done to her the night prior. Just afterward, his blood still boiling from the tingling sensation her lips had left on his lips, they’d joined the other women in the living room, the lights shut off, to watch Elf. He finally ended up sharing the couch with Tess and Anna, one on each side of him. Thus, he became the responsible party for the enormous bowl of popcorn that they shared.
Short as it was, at around halfway through the movie, Liam felt a burr of impatience under his heel. His closeness to Tess exacerbated the problem, a continual reminder that the best part of his night—of his whole year—could only occur once everyone else headed home.
In order to bear that impatience, he opted to be productive. He wasn’t sure what Tess had in store for the two of them once Avril, Anna, and Victoria headed home. Rather than delving into meaningless guesswork, his thoughts drifted in a new direction. A more proactive one.
He had every faith that Tess would ensure that tonight was one that he would never forget. But what about her end of things? When all was said and done, how would she remember tonight?
If things played out as she expected, he didn’t know if he could give her the best night of her life. Even if he was coming around to Avril’s way of thinking, he was still getting used to acting decisively.
Why not tonight, then?he asked himself.
Just before the credits rolled, he decided that an Avril-style pivot was in order. A plan coalesced within his mind, and he felt his heart beat a little faster as he further solidified its details. He could already see the amusement that the sultry redhead would shower him in when she heard about it, whether it succeeded or not.
The movie ended, the lights came back on, and the party moved toward its completion. In the final hour that all five of them remained, Avril finally let herself be dragged to the igloo.
“Oh, yeah, I love it,” she remarked upon seeing it up close, shivering all the while. “It’s so beautiful. Can I go back inside now?”
Anna didn’t let her off the hook so easily, which is how the three college students ended up spending a few minutes inside it. Long enough for Avril to warm herself a little. Once it was time to head back inside, Anna, who needed to tread carefully given her outfit, departed first. Even though he hadn’t planned to go second, a slender hand still planted itself on his chest.
“So, this is the place, huh?” Avril whispered, eyes vibrant even in the darkness. She fingered the ends of her scarf, which had never once come off through the evening—for good reason.
Smirking lightly, he nodded. “That’s right. Best blowjob I’ve ever had.”
“Yet.Best blowjob you’ve hadyet.”
“That’s fair. I guess Tess might want to give me another one sometime.”