Page 81 of Holiday Home 2
“You’ve succeeded at your plans repeatedly since you got home,” Tess pointed out. “First at cards, now at this. Is there anything you can’t accomplish?”
Grinning, he kissed her again. “Guess we’ll see how I do on New Year’s Eve.”
“Good. I don’t want you to go easy on me.”
“Did it seem like that was what I was doing a few minutes ago?” he asked, glancing at the marks his hand had left on the sides of her neck. The coloration was slightly off compared to the rest of her soft skin, though not so much that it was too noticeable—and it was healing quickly enough. It certainly wouldn’t require her to copy Avril and start wearing a scarf.
“No, not at all.” Tess grinned back, and not even the dawn several hours away could shine so brightly. “I’m glad you were willing to be as rough as you were. I might not alwayswant it like that, but this time… it waspreciselywhat I needed.”
“Just keep letting me know what it is what you need, and I’ll keep doing my best to give it to you.”
“Those should be my words, I think.” Tilting her head, she laid a warm kiss on his forearm. “I’m supposed to be the experienced one here.”
“I promise to be an attentive student, so you can teach me all you want, Professor Williams,” Liam said, hiding his mirth as she rolled her eyes.
“Should I start giving you letter grades, then?”
“Maybe don’t gothatfar, but my ears are always open if you want to whisper some advice into them. I want to be the best I can be for you.”
Lighthearted as things currently were, he spoke those words earnestly. If there was one thing that he knew he did need, it was more experience. His enthusiasm and vigor, combined with how Tess had wanted him to fuck her, had helped immensely this time around, but that didn’t outright transform him into an expert on sex. In this arena, he wanted to excel.
“Your zeal is noted,” Tess said, beaming as she leaned forward to kiss him again. “I’ll be sure to do my part in making sure we’re both up to the other’s standards.”
“Good. Because I still haven’t forgotten my promise to you.”
By the way her eyebrows knit together, she had. Deciding to tease her a little, Liam playfully frowned.
“Oh, don’t be cross with me, Liam,” Tess said, prodding him on the chest. “Ididjust get fucked rather hard for the first time in years. A thing like that can temporarily affect a person’s memory.”
Sighing exaggeratedly, he cleared his throat. “Well, since you’ve forgotten, I’ll just have to say it again.I’mintending on being the guy who’s made you cum more than anyone else. I won’t settle for anything less.”
Tess blinked. Afterward, she grinned.
“Well, if you’rethatkeen on accomplishing that goal, why not try and chip away at it a little more tonight? Learning by doing is a valid teaching method, after all, so it could be two birds with one—stone!”
She ended up yelping the final word of her impish suggestion, as he’d already begun the process of rolling her over onto all fours. Lasciviousness gleaming in her eyes, Tess wiggled her butt and gave him another opportunity to accrue some experience. Two more of her climaxes added themselves to the tally before he erupted deep inside of her for the second time.
Chapter Thirty
The Wall That Remains
Liam and Tess awoke at roughly the same time on Christmas Day. That was to say, they woke up halfway through the day. Though to be fair, they’d spent the first few hours of it tied up in further amorous activities, so it’d really just been a trade of time, not a loss. Upon waking up, the matter of transporting most of what they’d carried into Switzerland last night became their main priority. Christmas itself was a pale, chilly day, and tens of thousands were probably enjoying that the snow had yet to melt on the festive day.
For the two individuals who had camped out in an igloo, who were in disarray and in desperate need of showers, traversing from Switzerland’s mouth to Tess’s backdoor left them grumbling at the cold’s apathy for their situation. Liam bit the bullet by volunteering to make the return trips, where he grabbed blankets, sheets, and towels, many of which now needed washing. He also collected the portable lamp, lugging it inside and returning it to Tess’s garage while she started the laundry.
Afterward, Tess posed a simple enough question, one which was impossible to say no to.
“Would you like to shower with me?”
They did more than just that while under the steamy deluge of water. Kissing, feeling, and soaping her slippery skin, their lips never spent more than a minute apart. Her breasts were gloriously soft as he washed them, with Tess doing the same at his stiff cock. Soon enough, she had him shivering with pleasure as he exploded all over her thighs.
“To be young,” Tess whispered into his throat, kissing it as they added another round of soaping their bodies to their protracted shower.
Emerged, dried, and dressed, Liam finally picked his phone up for the first time since he’d left it on Tess’s coffee table right before they made for Switzerland. A bevy of messages, all a variation of wishing him a Merry Christmas, decided how he would spend the next fifteen minutes. Sitting on the couch, he replied to each with a similar degree of festiveness.
Parents, his brother, aunts, uncles, cousins, several friends—he knocked them all out quickly enough. Anna and Avril had also sent him their well wishes, which he replied to. Expectedly, Anna’s was quite cordial, while Avril’s was flirtatious, though surprisingly unaccompanied by any salacious image. He did think back to the fortune cookies last night while typing his response to her. He remained in the dark about a few parts of her gift, though he brushed his musings aside when Tess joined him on the couch.
The remainder of Christmas Day was as joyous and loving an affair as it could be for a lovestruck young man who got to spend the entire day alone with the person of his long-held affection. A late breakfast pushed their lunch later, which in turn pushed their dinner, but Liam didn’t mind one bit. Every second spent with Tess was as wonderful as the last.