Page 11 of Wanting Her Boss
Madison sat back, leaning on her hands stretched out behind her. “I just want to appear settled, happy. So, yeah. That would mean some handholding. But nothing that you’re uncomfortable with. It can be really subtle. Nothing over the top.”
“And we’ve been dating for a year?”
Madison nodded. “Yeah. It just makes it easier to limit the lies. So, we did meet a year ago.”
“Okay. And we’re working as normal during the week we’re over there in the lead-up to the wedding?”
“Yes.” Madison watched Payton, trying to detect any signs that she might be thinking about backing out, but she didn’t think she saw anything.
“Is that why you asked me to book a suite? Knowing that we couldn’t be seen having two separate rooms.”
“Yes.” Madison swallowed. “A suite will have a living area, and I’ll take the couch. It’ll be like we have two rooms. So yes, I didn’t want anyone to think that we weren’t staying in the same room.”
“And will you know a lot of the people there?”
“Yeah. All of the people on Jen’s side. Sure. I’ve never met Hazel before. Jen’s a sports journalist and Hazel’s a soccer player. That’s how they met.”
“Are you nervous?”
Madison exhaled. “Now? I don’t think so. Knowing that you’re willing to do this. But it has been keeping me up at night these last few weeks. Just because I didn’t know what I was doing. If you’d, I don’t know, threaten to sue me or something. I kept going back and forth about whether or not to even ask you.”
“What made you?”
“Seeing you out that night, away from the office. You looked like you belonged at that event. And seeing you in a dress instead of business casual made it easier to see us going to this wedding together. I was tempted to ask you that night, but I never got the chance.”
As they carried their plates into the kitchen and Madison loaded the dishwasher, she met Payton’s eyes. “Thank you. For coming tonight. I probably could have waited until next week to ask you. I know I kept you from going out tonight.” She glanced down at her watch. It was almost ten o’clock. “You still could.”
Payton folded her arms across her chest, leaning against the counter. “Could I though? You might not be on social media, but I am.”
Madison inhaled a sharp breath. “That was the other thing that I wanted to ask you tonight. We spent so much time talking about me. What about you? Are you seeing someone?”
Payton shook her head. “No. And I can go another few weeks without seeing anyone.”
Madison opened and closed her mouth again. Why hadn’t she thought about that aspect of this? That Payton would have to limit her own social life. And what about the last year? Had she been dating someone? Were there pictures of the two of them online that Jen would see if she did one search for Payton?
“Madison,” Payton said, stepping towards her to lightly wrap her hand around her forearm. “Hey, it’s fine. Don’t worry about me. I’m single, and I’m okay with that.”
Madison met Payton’s eyes. “And the last year?”
“I haven’t dated anyone in two years.”
“Really?” Madison asked, unable to filter her thoughts.
“Yeah.” Payton dropped her hand, waving her off. “I’m sure you remember how scattered my resume was. I worked a lot of jobs and did some strange hours over the years. I love living with Ashley, and I’ve never wanted to worry about being able to pay the rent, so I made sure to always be at least six months ahead. It didn’t leave much time to be a decent girlfriend to anyone.”
Madison nodded. “Still, this is an even bigger ask than I thought it was.”
“It’s not. I promise.”
“Okay.” As she walked Payton out, taking the elevator down with her, Madison felt better about this whole wedding thing than she had since Jen had called her to give her the news that she was engaged.
Even with Payton’s help, it would still be challenging, but at least she had someone to help her save face and maybe even make that weekend in August an enjoyable one.
Payton pushed her shades on top of her head, glad to be out of the heat. She closed her eyes for a second, letting them adjust to the dim lighting inside the busy bar.
“Beer?” Ashley asked, already squeezing in by the bar.