Page 47 of Wanting Her Boss
Madison gasped, her fingers digging into Payton’s lower back and hip as she tried to hold on, her hips rocking, and then Payton was moaning, her breath hot against her ear, her breasts in Madison’s face as her fingers stalled, her orgasm taking over.
Madison held her fingers inside, curling them, holding onto Payton while she came down, both of them breathing heavily, but Payton’s fingers started moving again, thrusting in and out, and Madison clung to Payton, gripping her thigh and back as her own orgasm took over, her head resting against Payton’s chest, steam rising all around them as they caught their breath.
“That was a nice surprise,” Payton said, her voice echoing off the walls.
“For me too.” Madison smiled as she looked up at her.
Payton opened her mouth but closed it again, and Madison desperately wanted to know what she’d been about to say. Instead, she dipped her head, slowly kissing Madison, her hand slipping behind Madison’s head as their tongues met.
Payton’s own words were haunting her as she slid onto a bar stool, waiting to catch the bartender’s attention.
Give me this week.
Well, the week was nearly over. They were at Jen and Hazel’s favorite bar, enjoying a second night of celebrations and toasting the happy couple, but Payton couldn’t stop thinking about their flight back tomorrow and what that would mean for her and Madison.
They never broached the subject again, but Payton found herself hoping that she’d somehow changed Madison’s mind. It was the way Madison had been at the wedding. Maybe not at the start, but they’d danced so close. Madison had held her hand anytime they were walking alongside one another last night or tonight.
But mostly, it was the way they were in bed together. It had been so intense right from the start.
Payton had never been like that with someone that quickly, and if she thought about it, she’d never experienced anything like that period.
But had Madison felt it too?
She ordered another round when the bartender came over, and while she waited, she turned, her eyes landing on Madison straight away, somehow able to find her in an instant in a crowded bar. Her dark hair was pinned back in a half-up, half-down style that Madison rarely wore to work, and Payton couldn’t look away before she got caught.
Madison was standing beside a woman who looked an awful lot like Jen. It must have been one of her sisters. And Madison’s lips quirked into a smile as she held Payton’s gaze for a few seconds before returning to her conversation.
Payton’s phone vibrated in her pocket almost non-stop for a minute. That would be Ashley finally seeing her texts. Payton had filled her in on the taxi ride here, typing out a short message to update Ashley, knowing she’d have a million questions but not wanting to spend the whole journey here typing on her phone and ignoring Madison.
Payton resisted the urge to check her phone. Ashley’s messages would probably be encouraging her to just talk to Madison, to tell her how she felt. Ashley had said something about that when Payton had given her a quick call between the wedding and the reception.
If only it were that easy.
But Payton couldn’t do it. She was too afraid of pushing Madison, of being rejected. So, she just had to wait and see what would happen when they arrived back home in New York.
Madison took a sip of beer as she listened to Jen’s sister Laura tell her how happy she was for Jen and Hazel. She was nearly finished with her drink, but as her eyes swept the busy pub, she spotted Payton at the bar, looking at her already.
Madison held her gaze without even realizing what she was doing, before Laura saying her name brought her back into the conversation.
“Madison, don’t get me wrong. I don’t mean to go on and on about those two, and I do have to say that I’m just as happy for you. The way Payton looks at you?” Laura nodded in Payton’s direction. “And I didn’t get a chance to say it to you last night, but seeing you together... I feel like this is the real deal. Do you? Or am I just in too much of a romantic mood to see things clearly?”
Madison took a deep breath. “Yeah. No.” She pressed her lips together to try and gather herself. Why couldn’t she string a few coherent words together? “She’s great,” Madison finally managed.
“I’m glad you’ve figured out your priorities,” Laura said before taking a drink. “I’m not blaming you for what happened with Jen. Clearly, you both were meant for other people.”
“Yeah.” Madison swallowed down the lump in her throat. Why did she feel so guilty? She’d probably never see Laura again after today. Why did it bother her so much that Laura thought they were perfect for each other?
“Just don’t fuck this one up.”
Madison’s mouth fell open.
“I don’t think you’re a heartbreaker,” Laura said. “I don’t think you’ll do it again, but I had to say it. Seriously, Madison. Don’t throw this one away.”
Madison nodded, Laura’s words sinking in. This week was turning out to be a bit of a therapy session. More than once, she was reminded of how shitty of a girlfriend and wife she’d been. Even if it wasn’t with Payton, she needed to do better.