Page 51 of Wanting Her Boss
“You gave me last week? Give me another.” Payton could hear the desperation in her voice, but she didn’t care. This was her last chance, and she was going to grab it. “Let’s go out some night this week. Get dinner. Start over. Away from work.”
“I’d like that,” Madison said, her voice just above a whisper. “You have no idea how much I would.”
Payton searched her gorgeous eyes, her hand lifting to Madison’s face, brushing a lock of hair behind her ears. “Then let’s do that,” she murmured, her head already tilting, her hand on Madison’s cheek as she kissed her softly, cautiously.
Madison sighed into the kiss, parting her lips, deepening it within seconds, her hands on Payton’s hips.
“How about tonight?” Madison asked as she pulled away.
Payton inhaled a shaky breath. “I would love that.”
Madison shut down her computer. It had been an extremely long week, between getting adjusted to this time zone again to everything that had happened with Payton.
But it was Friday evening, and although she hadn’t seen Payton since they’d gone for dinner Monday night, they’d texted each day and had plans to see each other tonight.
There was a knock on her door as Madison stood up, sliding her laptop into her bag and gathering her things. “Come in.”
“Hey,” Jack said, his suit jacket gone, and his sleeves rolled up. “Any luck finding a P.A. yet?”
“I have narrowed it down to two. I’ll decide by Monday.”
“It’s always right around the year mark,” Jack said with a grin.
“Hm. There’s something I need to tell you.” Madison’s hands went to her hips. She’d wanted to talk to him about this Monday or Tuesday, but they’d both been so busy this week. “The reason Payton quit... We’re... We want to start seeing each other. And nothing happened here. Just to make that clear.” She couldn’t gauge Jack’s reaction. “There’s no impending lawsuit for you to worry about. And I had no idea that she was going to resign. She wasn’t pressured into it or anything like that.”
Jack smiled as he held up his hand. “Relax, Madison. I’m happy for you.”
“You are?”
“Yes. Of course, I am. And to be honest, I already thought there was something going on between you two. You were acting strange that night I bought my apartment. You couldn’t take your eyes off her, but yet you didn’t really seem like you wanted to go talk to her.”
Madison sighed. “Yes, well. Nothing was going on then.”
“So, you didn’t plan a trip to London to get some time away together?”
Madison shook her head. “No. But it kind of ended up like that.”
“Go for it, Madison. You deserve to be happy.”
“You don’t think she’s too young for me?”
“I don’t know how old she is, and I don’t think it matters much if you’re happy.”
Madison pressed her lips together.
“The wedding went okay?” Jack asked after a moment.
“Yeah.” Madison had never told Jack about bringing Payton as her date. “It was a bit strange, but Jen and Hazel make a great couple. I’m happy for them. Honestly.”
“Good.” Jack smiled at her. “Oh, the reason I knocked on your door. Are you free for drinks tonight?”
“I can’t tonight. Sorry. Payton’s coming over.”
“Say no more,” Jack said with a wink. “Another night then.”
“Yeah. We need to catch up outside of work.”