Page 27 of The Rules of Dating My One-Night Stand
I shrugged. “Sure. It smells good.”
The three siblings’ dynamic was interesting to observe over dinner. Devyn seemed more like a mother than a sister to Frick and Frack.
“How did tryouts go, Hannah?” she asked.
Hannah shrugged. “Okay, I guess.”
“She was the best one there,” Heath countered. “Besides Daisy, of course.”
Hannah rolled her eyes. “Daisy isn’t even that good of a singer. She’s just pretty and has big boobs.”
I wiped pizza grease from my hands with a napkin. “What did you try out for, Hannah?”
“PS Idol. It’s my dumb school’s version ofAmerican Idol.”
“You sing?” I asked.
“Hannah is an amazing singer.” Devyn smiled. “She also plays the guitar and drums. She wants to go to Juilliard someday.”
“Really? That’s cool. I always wished I could sing. My friend Holden is a drummer, but he has a great voice, too. He lives here in the building. Maybe you’ve seen him around?”
Hannah’s face turned red.
“Oh, she’s seen him.” Heath pressed his hands into the praying position and held them to his cheek. “Holden the hottie,” he said in a high-pitched voice.
Hannah stood and tossed her napkin on the table. “You’re such a jerk, Heath.”
“At least I’m not in love with a fifty-year-old.”
Since Holden and I were the same age, I took offense to that comment. “Hey, calm down. Holden’s only thirty.”
Heath shrugged. “Same thing.”
Hannah stormed off to her room.
“Do you have to pick on your sister all the time?” Devyn asked.
“What? It’s the truth. She’s in love with the dude. The other day she tripped over her own feet when she saw him in the lobby.”
Devyn shook her head. “Just go do your homework, Heath.”
After he disappeared, I collected the dirty paper plates from the table and tossed them in the garbage. “So Hannah’s got a little crush, huh?”
“Apparently so.”
I shook my head. “Thirteen or thirty, women can’t help but love that guy. Holden’s a chick magnet. Always has been.”
“I can see why. He has a certain way about him.”
A spike of jealousy coursed through my veins. “Oh yeah? You got a thing for Holden, too?”
“Me?” Devyn shook her head. “No, he’s not my type. But that doesn’t mean I can’t see the appeal. He has that aloof, musician thing going on that women love, especially young ones like Hannah.”
I rubbed my bottom lip with my thumb. “Not your type, huh? So what exactlyisyour type, Devyn?”
Her eyes dropped to my lips for a half second before she looked away. “I don’t have a particular type. But it’s getting late, so…”
“Soooo…don’t let the door hit me in the ass?”