Page 46 of European Escapes
A week later, Alice walked into work with a smile on her face and a bounce in her step.
And she knew why, of course.
It was her relationship with Gio. And she was totally clear about her feelings. Friendship and sex. It was turning out to be a good combination. In a month or so he’d probably be leaving and that would be fine. Maybe they’d stay in touch. Maybe they wouldn’t. Either way, she felt fine about it. She felt fine about everything.
And the fact that he always said ‘I love you’ and she didn’t just didn’t seem to matter any more. It didn’t change the way things were between them.
The truth was, they were having fun.
Mary caught her as she walked into her consulting room. ‘You’re looking happy.’
‘I am happy.’ She dropped her bag behind the desk and turned on her computer. ‘I’m enjoying my life.’
‘You weren’t smiling this much a month ago.’
A month ago Gio hadn’t been in her life.
She frowned slightly at the thought and then dismissed it. What was wrong with enjoying a friendship?
‘Professor Burrows from the haematology department at the hospital rang.’ Mary handed her a piece of paper. ‘He wants you to call him back on this number before ten o’clock. And I’ve slotted in Mrs Bruce because she’s in a state. She had a scan at the hospital and they think the baby has a cleft palate. She’s crying in Reception.’
Alice looked up in concern. ‘Oh, poor thing. Send her straight in.’ She flicked on her computer while Mary watched, her eyes searching.
‘It’s Gio, isn’t it?’
‘What is?’
‘The reason you’re smiling. So relaxed. You’re in love with him, Alice.’
‘I’m not in love.’ Alice lifted her head and smiled sweetly. ‘And the reason I know that is because there’s no such thing. But I’m willing to admit that I like him a lot. I respect and admire him as a doctor. He’s a nice man.’
And he was great in bed.
Mary looked at her thoughtfully. ‘A nice man? Good, I’m glad you like him.’
Alice felt slightly smug as she buzzed for her first patient. Really, in her opinion, it all went to prove that love just didn’t exist. In many ways Gio was perfect. He was intelligent and sharp and yet still managed to be kind and thoughtful. He was a terrific listener, a great conversationalist and a spectacular lover. What more could a girl want in a man?
The answer was nothing. But still she didn’t feel anything that could be described as love. And when he left to return to Italy, as he inevitably would, she’d miss him but she wouldn’t pine.
Which just went to prove that she’d been right all along.
There was a tap on the door and she looked up as Mrs Bruce entered, her face pale and her eyes tired.
‘I’m sorry to bother you, Dr Anderson,’ she began, but Alice immediately shook her head.
‘Don’t apologise. I understand you had a scan.’
Mrs Bruce sank into the chair and started to sob quietly. ‘And they think the baby has a cleft palate.’ The tears poured down her cheeks and she fumbled in her bag for a tissue. ‘There was so much I wanted to ask. I had all these questions…’ Her voice cracked. ‘But the girl couldn’t answer any of them and now I have to wait to see some consultant or other and I can’t even remember his name.’ The sobs became gulps. ‘They don’t know what it’s like. The waiting.’
‘It will be Mr Phillips, the consultant plastic surgeon, I expect.’ Alice reached for her phone and pressed the button that connected her to Gio’s room. ‘Dr Moretti? If you could come into my room for one moment when you’ve finished with your patient, I’d be grateful.’
Then she replaced the receiver and stood up. ‘You poor thing.’ She slipped an arm around the woman’s shoulders and gave her a hug without even thinking about it. ‘You’ve had a terrible shock. But there’s plenty that can be done, trust me. There’s an excellent cleft lip and palate team at the hospital. They serve the whole region and I promise that you won’t leave this surgery until you know more about what to expect, even if I have to ring the consultant myself.’
Mrs Bruce blew her nose hard and shook her head. ‘She isn’t even born yet,’ she said in a wavering voice, ‘and already I’m worried that she’s going to be teased and bullied at school. You know what kids are like. They’re cruel. And appearance is everything.’
Alice gave her another squeeze and then looked up as Gio walked into the room.
‘Dr Moretti—this is Mrs Bruce. The hospital have told her that her baby has a cleft palate and she’s terribly upset, which is totally understandable. They don’t seem to have given her much information so I thought you might be able to help reassure her about a few things. Answer some questions for her.’