Page 20 of Damaged King
I turned to face my father.
“What you asked. I’m taking care of her and ensuring her happiness.”
His eyes narrowed on me. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t fuck her if that’s what you think. My job starts sooner than expected. I need to be New York in two days. Win-win for both of us.”
“So that’s it?”
I throw up my hands as years of pent-up frustration come pouring out of me. “What do you want, Dad? This—” I spread my arms “—was never my dream. It’s yours. I can’t pass up this opportunity.”
“An opportunity you got by screwing some rich guy’s daughter. Now what happens when Jolie gets pissed at you? She’ll have you by the balls.”
Little did he know Jolie was already pissed. But the rich girl he was referring to, Sophia, I’d broken things off with her before she tried to win me back. “Sophia may have opened the door, but I got the job based on my skills. And for that, I have you to thank.” I sighed, not wanting to fight with him. “I’m not ungrateful for all your sacrifices, but you know I’ve always dreamed of this. And maybe one day, I’ll be back.”
In an uncharacteristic show of emotion, Dad came in for a hug. He clapped my back and said what I’d longed to hear. “I’m proud of you, son.”
I pulled back, seeing the truthfulness of his words in the set of his jaw. “You closed down. Go to the cabin. There should be enough fuel for the generator to make it through the storm.”
He nodded. “Stay safe, Dad.” I pointed at him. “I mean it. Don’t be a stubborn old fool. No one is flying in today.”
I turned, feeling pressure in my chest. As much as I wanted out, it was hard to walk away from what essentially had been my life. I’d learned everything I knew about planes and flying from this place, from my dad.
“Let’s go, Highness,” I said, pulling the keys for my Ford F-150 out of my pocket before snagging her bag.
Snow was coming down harder and faster than it was when we arrived. She wasn’t exactly dressed for this. Her shoes were still covered by bags.
Before opening the door, I held out my hand. Her eyes landed on it with disdain.
“If you want to risk a wipeout, have at it.” I shrugged.
She snagged my hand and I whisked her out into the storm of the century and led her through the deepening snow.
When she stopped and stared at my truck, I said, “It’s not the sexiest ride, but it gets the job done.”
“It’s fine, just surprising.”
I tugged her arm to get her feet moving. “Why?” I asked.
Though she didn’t act like it, she was cold. She was shivering. I used the key fob to start the car.
“It’s a truck, not a sports car.”
I hoisted her up into the cab to slide on the seat where the interior was warm.
“Sports cars may be sexy, but trucks are manly.”
I winked before I circled around and got in. Truth was, trucks were better on the roads around here no matter the weather. I ignored the fact that I’d never had a woman in my truck. A memory of her shapely ass tucked against my cock all last night filled my mind as I tossed our bags into the small backseat.
The truck jerked as I put it in reverse. My attention came back online.
“Will we be able to make it in this thing?” she asked.
“It’s fine. I have chains if needed.”
“Chains?” she asked. “Does it snow like this often around here?”
I felt her eyes on me, but I couldn’t look over because I needed to navigate the roads. We were about to descend the mountain to the town in the valley below.