Page 65 of Damaged King
“Mom left shortly after Dad signed away the family fortune. He was left with a son and Natalie was there to help.”
“Oh no,” I said.
“Oh yes. I may have another brother.”
“Does your dad think so?”
“He’s never said. But Dad stepped in for his ‘brother’. I don’t know. It’s just a guess, but neither Natalie nor my dad has ever mentioned the possibility.”
“Does Liam know?”
“I don’t think so. He was too young to notice how Natalie and Dad were always together after Mom left, and even more so when he was born. Dad will tell you they were two single parents helping each other.”
“You think they comforted each other in other ways,” I guessed.
“Dad isn’t the kind of guy to shirk his responsibilities. It’s likely he assumes since Natalie never told him it could be him, it isn’t. Point of fact, Liam was born premature.”
“I feel like I need popcorn for this story.”
“Not very different from yours. Love and money don’t mix.”
“I say it can’t be love if you choose money,” I said. “Speaking of, have you ever been in love?”
I had no idea why I asked that. Did I really want to know the answer and have it in my head for the next thirteen days?
“Once,” he said.
“And?” I said, egging him on.
He folded his arms. “One summer, that’s all we had. Then she was gone to college. You?”
Because I’d brought it up, I had to answer, even though I didn’t want to.
“Twice,” I said. He’d given me some details, so I did the same. “Once in college and once after.”
I found a spot on the floor and kept my eyes there. I’d hoped he wouldn’t ask.
“Yes,” I admitted.
“Things were pretty serious between you two?”
“Not from his point of view.”
“He broke your heart then?”
I sighed. “Not really. He never promised me anything. I just read the situation wrong.”
“Do you think you’re reading the situation wrong between us, or are you just gun-shy?”
I shifted to face him. “I’m a realist. We live in different states.”
“We work for the same company,” he countered.
“Just another reason we shouldn’t.”
“It didn’t stop you and Cal.”