Page 68 of Damaged King
“Just stunning,” she said as the sky brightened from midnight blue with sprays of pink, orange, then gold as the sun crested the horizon.
In the quiet, we walked back, her hand in mine as we’d done every time we’d walked that path.
“You’re not coming in?” she said, when I left her at the door.
“I’m going for a run.”
I’d planned as much before I left, opting not to drink a cup of coffee.
After an hour of burning off steam, I walked into the cabin to find Jolie bent in half with her lovely ass high in the air and the rest of her half-hidden by the sofa. I was reminded of our time in the sky, watching as I slid deep inside her.
“Next Downward Dog,” a tinny voice said from somewhere beneath her, probably her phone.
I groaned and made a beeline for the shower. “Cold it is,” I muttered and waited for the shock of it.
That became our routine for the next few days. Morning coffee, my run, her yoga, cooking lessons, eating three meals, a movie, and sleep. Rinse and repeat.
In between, I talked to Dad every few days and I’d gotten a call from Liam to let me know he was fine. He wouldn’t tell me much more than that over the phone.
We were in the middle of watchingThe Avengers, my choice, when Jolie popped a question I hadn’t expected.
“You never really told me about the girl you loved.”
It wasn’t exactly something I liked to talk about.
“What do you want to know?” I asked.
“How about her name? Where’d you meet? You know, things like that.”
I sucked in a lung full of air. “Cara,” I said. “She came for the summer with her family.”
“How old were you?” she asked.
“Summer before college. It was a thing, then it wasn’t.”
“What happened?” she probed.
“She ended up with my best friend. End of story.”
She didn’t ask any more questions, and I didn’t offer any more details. No man wanted to talk about being made a fool of. Cara was one of the reasons I didn’t date rich girls. I quickly pushed that back into the past where it belonged.
It was the sixth day that things changed.
If anyone said it was easy to be around someone you’re attracted to twenty-four hours a day and just be platonic friends, they were a liar.
I’d kept my hands and thoughts to myself, but everyone has a breaking point. It had been Jolie’s turn to pick a movie. I tried not to read into the titleFriends with Benefits. I had to admit, it was funny, but watching two people have sex and you weren’t getting any wasn’t exactly fun.
Keyed up, I went outside and worked on chopping more of the fallen tree I’d found on a run a few days ago. It was then I realized I’d fallen hard for the girl inside much like the tree.
That was a problem. The only other time I’d been into someone so hard and fast, it hadn’t turned out well for me.
I was mid swing when the door opened to the cabin. What stopped me was Jolie. She stood with the blanket wrapped around her. A second later, the blanket dropped, and she stood there naked.
After I regained the ability to speak, I said, “Don’t tease me, woman.”
In a soft, but very sexy voice, she said, “I’m not.”
The ax tumbled from my hand like a gauntlet. The challenge was issued, and I took it. Before I made my move, she made hers and then I was chasing her.