Page 13 of Sellout
“I know.” I lick my lips. “But they’ll call my dad and I don’t want him to worry.”
“Your dad should know that you had a seizure.” Parker starts moving forward again, a determination in his eyes.
“He knows about my seizures. I just… I feel better now. I don’t need to go home.” I make an effort to smile, to show him I’m okay.
He pauses. “I don’t know.”
“Can you put me down?” I ask.
“I’m not sure that I should.” Parker continues carrying me and I know he won’t budge. He walks into an empty classroom, finally putting me down on a chair. He runs his fingers through his hair, letting out a long breath.
“So, you have seizures?”
I nod.
“No.” I shake my head. “When I lived in New York, they ran every test imaginable. I’ve even had a seizure when they were doing an electroencephalogram and nothing showed up. The doctors don’t know what it is.”
He raises an eyebrow. “But you do?”
I lick my lips, nodding. “It happens when I’m overwhelmed. I tried to play it off like I was shy, so nobody would want to talk to me. But after they saw you talking to me in the hallway, they were all thinking about me. It’s like they were screaming into my skull.”
I look at Parker, waiting for him to tell me I’m a freak. I wait for him to run away. But he does none of those things. Instead, he just cocks his head to the side.
“Does anybody else know you can read minds?”
I shake my head.
“What about your dad?” he asks.
“Why not?”
I shrug. “I know what happens when people find out. I didn’t realize it wasn’t normal when I was a kid. I would always answer my nannies’ thoughts out loud. My father couldn’t figure out why my nannies kept quitting. One time, when I was five, I answered my nanny’s thoughts out loud and she ran from me, screaming. And my dad was at the beginning of a forty eight hour shift at the hospital.”
“What happened?” he asks.
“Nothing. I ate cereal and Pop Tarts. I watched cartoons. It was actually kind of nice to be alone. That’s not even the worst thing that’s happened because of my ability.” I look up at him. “Why do you even believe me? What I’m telling you is impossible.”
He shrugs. “You’re not the only one who is different.”
My eyes widen. “Can you read minds too?”
I let out a breath of relief.
It would be really embarrassing if Parker could read my mind, especially after all the things I’ve thought about him.
Parker looks at me, his eyebrows furrowed. “You can read my mind?”
I shake my head.
His shoulders slump forward.
Is he… relieved?