Page 25 of Sellout
“Sure thing.” I wish I could see Blaine’s expression. His tone sounds amused and if I could see him, I’m sure he’d be smirking. He peeks at me around Parker. “Bye, Vixen. I’ll be seeing you around.”
“At school tomorrow,” I remind him. I lift a hand and wave at him. He turns around and starts walking in the direction we came from. His hands are stuffed into the front pocket of his jeans and his shoulders are slumped forward slightly. Even though he kept his flirty demeanor with me, I can see that what happened really got to him.
My dad never married. I’m not sure why, but it’s always been just him and me. So my house has always been really peaceful. My dad and I never argue. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have parents that fight.
“Blaine isn’t going to date you, you know that, right?” Parker takes a step closer to me, like he’s trying to intimidate me.
I raise an eyebrow. “When did I say I wanted to date Blaine?”
He throws his arms up. “You wereflirtingwith him.”
“I was trying to distract him.” I shrug one shoulder, trying to show him it’s not a big deal. “He obviously didn’t want to talk about whatever went on in there. I was just trying to be a friend to him.”
“As long as you know, you can’t date Blaine,” Parker insists.
Why does Parker care? And why am I excited about the prospect that he’s jealous? At least, Ithinkhe’s jealous. He’s definitely acting jealous.
“I don’t want to date Blaine,” I tell him plainly. “Honestly, I just met the guy, but I already know he’s not my type.”
“What is your type?” Parker cocks his head to the side, studying me.
If I were bold, I would say ‘You.’
But I’m not bold. Or brave. In fact, I’m a coward.
Instead, I grin and shrug. “I don’t really know.”
“So you’re not attracted to Blaine?”
I chew on my bottom lip as I shake my head.
Blaine is cute, there is no denying that. I have eyeballs. But there is a certain spark that is missing between us. I could never see him as anything but a friend. And Blaine is quickly becoming that—afriend.
Just a friend.
“Then don’t flirt with him anymore.” Parker grabs ahold of my hand and tugs me behind him, toward his house. I’m a little disappointed that we’re heading back so quickly.
On the way back, he doesn’t say one word to me. My heart aches a little, like I’m being rejected. But that’s silly. Parker isn’t rejecting me. We’re just… friends. And I really hope that I get over this crush that I have on him. I’m not sure I could take it if he broke my heart. I’m already way too attached to him.
When we head inside, Parker abruptly lets go of my hand. He starts to walk off without even saying goodbye. Before he can, my dad stops him.
He turns around, walking back over. His shoulders are tense as he walks up.
Dad shoots me a smile before looking at Parker. “Since you and Henley are becoming friends, I thought maybe you could give Henley rides to school—”
“Dad,” I cut him off.
“Sure,” Parker answers. He looks at me quickly, then my dad. “Does she not have her license? I can teach her how to drive.”
Dad shakes his head. “She can’t. Drive. Or learn.”
Parker furrows his brows, shooting a look at me. I know he’s curious why. But he should already know. He saw what happened at school. And while I know I would never have a seizure when driving, it’s not like I could get a doctor to sign off on me getting my license. I can’t explain to a doctor that the reason I have seizures is because I hear others’ thoughts. Being in a car alone, I would be perfectly safe. But… saying that to somebody with a medical license would likely get me locked up in an insane asylum.
I press my lips firmly together, not saying anything. I know I’ll likely have to explain it to Parker later, but I don’t want to explain it in front of my dad. Dad has no idea that I had a seizure at school today and I’d rather keep that fact quiet.
More secrets.