Page 27 of Sellout
“It’s okay.” I unbuckle my seatbelt and lean across the center console to hug him. “I love you, Dad.”
“Love you, too.”
I smile when we pull back. “Don’t worry. Parker and I are just friends. But even so, you can’t protect me from heartbreak forever. It’s inevitable that some guy is going to break my heart someday.”
He frowns. “I hope you never have your heart broken. Wait until you meet your soulmate to date.”
My soulmate?
Since when is my dad such a romantic?
We get out of the car and head inside. He unlocks the door, motioning for me to walk inside first.
“By the way, what was up with all of Parker’s siblings commenting on the way I smell? That was weird, right?” I ask.
Dad yawns. “I should get to bed. I’ve got work early in the morning.”
Before I can say anything else, he heads down the hallway, toward his room.
Huh. Hedoesknow something about that.
You silence the noise.
I’ve changed my outfit no less than five times.
It’s silly. I’veneverbeen the kind of girl who changes her clothes this many times. It’s not like I care how I look. But today, I care.
I look at myself in the mirror, finally satisfied with how I look. After glancing at the clock, I see that it’s five minutes until Parker is supposed to pick me up. I grab my stuff and head downstairs. Dad has already left for the day. He’s going to be on call for forty eight hours, so I don’t know when he’ll be back.
When I get downstairs, I head out the front door to wait for Parker, but when I walk out I see his red Jeep parked in the driveway. He gets out as I head toward him.
“Were you waiting long?” I ask.
He takes my bag from me and walks me around to the passenger side. “No. I just got here.”
He opens the door for me. I’veneverhad somebody open a door for me before. I get in and he shuts it behind me. He opens the back door, putting my backpack in the backseat.
My heart races as he walks around the vehicle.
He’s not supposed to be sweet and open doors for me. That’s just going to make this crush so much worse.
Maybe my dad is right. Maybe Parker is the kind of guy who is going to break my heart. And yet, I can’t seem to help myself around him. He’s just so easy to like.
“I brought you a coffee.” He points to the cup in the cupholder between us. “My mom is into those fancy coffee drinks, so I had her make you one. I didn’t know if you were into that kind of stuff or not.”
I pick it up, hesitantly taking a sip. “Wow. It’s really good.”
I always liked ordering coffee in New York, but I’d only ever get it delivered. I thought those days were over, but this is just as good as anything I had there.
“I wanted to ask you something.” Parker drives with one hand on the steering wheel. “Your dad made it seem like you’re not allowed to learn to drive.”
“Because I’m not.” I take another sip of coffee. “You already know about my seizures. It would be dangerous if I had one while driving.”
“But you only have them when you’re overwhelmed by thoughts. You don’t hear others’ thoughts in the car, right?” he asks. “So it wouldn’t actually be dangerous.”
“Right, but how can I explain that to a doctor without sounding crazy?” I raise an eyebrow at him.