Page 3 of Sellout
Yikes. What is his problem?
I walk over and take the seat beside him. I breathe through the throbbing pain in my skull. I’ve been through a lot worse than this.
As I sit down, I make eye contact with Will. His brown eyes narrow at me, like he’s already decided to hate me. I prepare for an onslaught of thoughts, but there is nothing.
I cock my head to the side, studying the boy. He’s nice looking, his brown hair is a little long, but he keeps it styled in a way that makes me think he cares about his appearance. I wonder why the teacher thinks he doesn’t talk to anybody. I’ve seen enough television to know this boy has got to be one of the most popular guys in the school. He’s too good looking not to be.
I lean closer, trying to get something. Will can’t be thinking aboutnothing. Especially not with the murderous glare he’s giving me. His knuckle turns white as he grips the pencil in his hand tighter. The only thing that distracts me from him is the overwhelming sound of my name being echoed through the room. I see a few people with their phones under their desks—they’re texting my name to all their friends.
I close my eyes for a moment, breathing through my nose.
Everything will be all right. I’ve just got to breathe through this.
Once again, I turn to look at the boy beside me. His shoulders are tight as he looks toward the front of the room. I focus on him, trying to get something. Anything. But there is only blissful silence.
Like with my dad.
As if he senses my gaze, he turns to me again, narrowing those brown eyes. But I don’t bother turning away from him. I don’t care that I’ve been caught. BecauseI can’t hear him. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
His frown deepens and I realize that I’m smiling like an idiot. I turn my gaze forward, but my mind stays on the blissful silence beside me. I don’t even care if he hates me. He’s quiet. And even though he despises me, he’s my new favorite person.
We’re going to be friends whether he wants to or not.
As soon as class is over, Will is halfway to the door before I can say anything to him. I don’t wait for anybody to come talk to me. I just get up and head toward my next class. I ignore a couple of kids who are brave enough to walk up to me in the hallway.
My vision blurs as I hear my name echo through the hall. I nearly fall, but catch myself on the side of the wall.
I’m pretty sure the entire school knows my name now. Just perfect.
…Nefarious three…
…Beautiful clique…
…New girl…
I bypass my next class as the bell rings and instead head to the bathroom. I put my head against the wall, trying to just breathe. I’m new so they’re excited. They’ll eventually get bored of me, right? If not, this small school is going to be torture.
I really, really hope they find something new to obsess over.
Taking another deep breath, I head toward my next class. Since I’m new, the teacher excuses my tardiness and I take my seat.
It’s going to be a really long day.
When lunch time comes around, I debate if I should head into the cafeteria to get something to eat. My stomach growls, reminding me that I didn’t each much for breakfast. I should try to eatsomething.
I take a deep breath, pausing just outside the doors.
“Henley,” I hear somebody say. They echo my name in their thoughts and it’s like a fog horn inside my brain.
I turn around and see a tall blonde girl walk up to me. She tosses her hair over her shoulder, giving me a big smile. “Hi! I’m Aubrey!” She has on a bright yellow shirt that matches her light tone. Her thoughts, however, do not match the bubbly tone or the huge smile.
Oh my gosh, this girl is so pretty. I hate her.