Page 38 of Sellout
Just as I reach the road, it starts raining. I pull my cardigan tighter around me and march forward at a faster pace. It doesn’t matter. I’m going to be soaked by the time I get home anyway.
I just wish Parker hadn’t tried to be my friend. He had to know that none of his friends—hispack—would accept me.
I should have realized it before now. Only wolves have packs. And since I clearly don’t turn into a wolf on the full moon… I’m not a wolf shifter.
I think back to the night before. It was a full moon and I saw that wolf outside the window at my house. Was that Parker?
But it really doesn’t matter. I was just a curiosity to them. They had never met another person like me—an unknownsupernatural. But they don’t care, not really.
It doesn’t matter. I don’t need them. I’ve gotten by this far on my own. I’m certain I will continue getting by without them.
I don’t need a pack.
It’s Supernatural Law.
After getting home last night, part of me expected Parker to show up. After what Will told me, I figured Parker would be eager to talk and explain, but he never did. I try not to be disappointed because I know it’s for the best. Will was right—I’mnotone of them. I don’t belong here.
By the time I got back yesterday afternoon, my dad had already gone back to work. He was gone most of the night. I notice his car in the driveway, but he’s likely asleep now.
Does my dad know about wolf shifters? He must, right? But if he brought me here, does that mean he knows there is something different about me? Does he think I am a wolf shifter? I’m not even sure when I’ll get the chance to talk with him and ask him.
I dread seeing Parker today. I bet he’s regretting his decision to agree to give me rides to school. The ride today is going to be super awkward.
I head outside early, not wanting Parker to have to wait on me. As soon as he pulls up, I head toward the passenger side to get in. He gets out, rushing around to my side. He opens the door for me right as I get there.
“Thanks,” I mumble, lowering my head. I start to get in, but Parker puts his hand on my arm to stop me. I glance up, wondering what he’s doing. He tugs on my bag, so I let it fall from my shoulder.
Once we’re both in, Parker motions toward the coffee cup in the middle. I hesitantly pick it up, taking a sip.
“You left before I could come back. I thought we were going to hang out yesterday,” Parker says.
I keep my eyes down, not wanting to see his expression. “Will gave me a ride.”
“I tried stopping by your house after I picked up Blaine, but you weren’t there,” he says.
I frown. “Yeah. Will took me to his house. After that, I walked home.”
“Will made you walk home?” Parker’s voice lowers. “Wait, you went to Will’s house?”
“Not by choice,” I mumble under my breath.
“Explain,” he demands.
“I know.” I keep my focus forward, not wanting to see his reaction.
“You know what?”
I sigh, turning to face him. “I know what you are. And I know that I’m not like you—that I don’t belong here because I’m different. I don’t belong anywhere. Will told me the truth.”
The only reaction he gives is a slight tick in his jaw. “I need you to tell me exactly what you know.”
“I know that you’re not human. You’re a wolf shifter. Will transformed right in front of me.” I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. “I also know that I’m not human, but maybe I’m not supernatural either because nobody knowswhatI am.”
He lets out his breath in a huff. “Will’s an idiot.”