Page 56 of Sellout
When Parker gets in, he motions to the coffee in the cupholder. “Mom made it for you.”
I grab the drink. “I’m surprised she still wants to.”
“Why would she not want to?” he asks.
I shrug. “I just got the impression that I’m not exactly welcome at your house anymore.”
“Why would you think that?”
“Maybe because your dad called Will and asked him to take me home because he doesn’t want you around me.” I take a sip of my coffee, desperately trying not to cry.
Parker sighs. “That’s not because of you. It’s because of me. My dad knows me. He thinks I have feelings for you, and he’s right.”
My stomach muscles tighten at his words. “You do?”
He grins. “I thought it was obvious. I just can’t be with you in that way, Henley. No matter how much I want to.”
Hewantsto be with me.
But he can’t be.
I’m not sure whether to feel elated or completely crushed.
I look out the side window as he drives, taking sips of my coffee. I’m trying to process his words, but I can’t help but think about what Will said. I have to remember that they’re going to send me away the moment they figure out what I am. And Parker will forget all about me the moment he meets his soulmate.
When we get to school, Parker comes around to my side and opens the door for me. As we head toward the entrance, he grabs ahold of my hand.
“You don’t have to.” I motion toward our hands. “I don’t want to cause problems for you with your dad or your friends.”
“I explained my reasoning to my dad and he understands,” Parker says. “As for Will, just ignore him.”
Ignore Will? Has he met him? Will makes it impossible. He shows up everywhere, always giving me glares and disapproving looks.
“Besides,” Parker continues, “you heard what Steve said. It’s best for us to be close to you, just in case more of your powers manifest. We may have to compel people to forget what they saw if something happens. Will, Blaine, and I switched our schedules around. One of us will be with you in every class.”
I groan. “Did you have to include Will in this?”
He laughs but then frowns. “Will’s schedule was the most flexible.”
I pray that he’s joking, but I can tell from his expression that he’s not.
Perfect… I always wanted to spend all my time with a guy who hates me. I don’t care what Blaine says—Will isnotworried about me getting my heart broken by Parker.
Everybody looks at Parker and me as we walk hand in hand down the hallway together. I’m sure they’re still curious about us. Though, they all come to the very wrong conclusion when they see us holding hands.
Parker leads me to my locker. Will is standing there, waiting for us. He has his arms crossed over his chest. When he sees Parker and me holding hands, he frowns at us.
“Is that really necessary?” Will asks, motioning toward our hands.
Parker looks at me and abruptly lets go of my hand. When he does, I hear a roar of voices in my head so loud that I have to grab onto Will to keep from falling over. Parker grabs my hand again, shutting out the voices.
“Does that answer your question?” Parker asks.
Will looks at me, ignoring Parker’s question. “Are you okay?”
My eyes widen as I look into brown eyes. Is he actually concerned about me?
“I’m okay,” I assure him. “I just wasn’t expecting Parker to let go of my hand like that. And it seems that I am still being talked about. Probably because of…” I lift Parker and my hands. I take a deep breath. “Hopefully they’ll find something new to obsess over soon.”