Page 63 of Sellout
He looks at me for a moment, his lips turning down in the corners. I know he wants to object, but I’m telling the truth and he knows it. Eventually, he tugs on my hand and leads me inside the restaurant.
My dad brought me here once when we first moved—it’s what I imagine a typical small town diner is like. Black and white checkered floors, red booths, and even a jukebox. We sit down at a booth in the back. Parker slides in across from me and a part of me wishes he had sat down beside me. But why would he?
Under the table, his leg brushes against mine. My heart races faster at the movement. Parker cocks his head to the side.
“What are you thinking?” I ask him.
“Your heart—it sped up when I touched you,” he says.
My jaw drops open. “You canhearmy heart?”
He nods.
I bury my face in my hands. “That’s so embarrassing.”
He nudges my leg with his.
I dare to look at him.
“If it makes you feel any better, my heart does the same around you.”
My breath gets caught in my throat.
Before I can do anything stupid, like confess my undying love for him, the waitress comes and brings us a couple of menus. She departs after getting our drink orders—we both get Dr. Pepper.
“I’ve never seen you drink a soda,” Parker says.
“My dad won’t let me. He says high fructose corn syrup is bad for me.”
He grins. “He’s probably right.”
“But I secretly like Dr. Pepper. Don’t tell my dad.”
“Your secret is safe with me.”
A few minutes later, the waitress comes to take our order. Parker orders two double cheeseburgers with extra fries, surprisingly the waitress doesn’t even bat an eye at his order. I order chicken strips and fries, to which Parker says to give me a double order of chicken strips. My eyes widen at him as the waitress walks away.
“I can’t eat a double order.”
“I’m going to help,” he says. “Mom said dinner isn’t until seven tonight because she and dad are busy. I’ve got to have something to hold me over.”
I shake my head at him. “Wolf shifter or not, you’re going to get fat.”
He pats his flat stomach. “Nah. My dad eats just as much as I do. It’s a shifter thing. As far as I know, all shifters are like this. Shifting burns a lot of calories.”
Somebody yells Parker’s name. He tells me he’ll be right back and he heads over to where a group of kids are sitting. I recognize them from school—they’re in the beautiful clique, which means they are wolf shifters in Parker’s pack.
I play with my straw as I wait for him to come back. The restaurant isn’t that crowded, and over half the people are wolf shifters. It’s relatively quiet.
Somebody scoots into the booth across from me. I recognize the boy from school. He’s a new student, I heard a lot of people think about him today. Will told him to stay away from me.
He’s a wolf shifter, so I can’t hear his thoughts. But he looks at me with curiosity in his eyes. He must be able to tell that I’m not human. I know from Parker that I don’t ‘smell’ human.
“Why do you smell different?” he asks.
“Because I’m supernatural.” I hold up a hand. “And before you ask, no. I don’t know what kind of supernatural I am. I haven’t figured that part out yet.”
He furrows his brows, but he doesn’t say anything.