Page 71 of Sellout
When he reads the paper, he frowns. He doesn’t write anything back to me after that.
What are you talking about?
That afternoon, when Parker drops me off, my dad is nowhere to be seen. I’m not surprised by it, but I am a little hurt. Wanting to clear my head, I walk on a well worn path in the grass behind my house. I’m not sure where it leads. Whoever lived in this house before us must’ve used the path often.
The wind blows, but the air doesn’t make me shiver like it normally does. I wonder if I’m more like a wolf now, not getting as cold. Come to think of it, itdidfeel warmer at school today than normal.
I look behind me, wondering if I should make my wings appear. There isn’t anybody around, but I am on pack land. Any wolf shifter could be out for a run and spot me. It would probably be too risky. Maybe this path is so worn because wolf shifters use it.
I glance in front of me and stop abruptly as a wolf runs onto the path.
“Hey,” I say to the wolf. “Nice day for a walk.”
The wolf cocks its head at me.
It’s not like the wolf shifter can respond.
I nod at it, about to head walk around when suddenly the air around the wolf vibrates. The wolf is gone, replaced by a guy.
“Ben,” I say, looking around frantically. “What are you doing here? You can’t just come run on pack land. It’s against the law.”
But he doesn’t look concerned. Instead, he’s just looking at me, confusion on his face. “How are you not freaking out? I’m a werewolf. You should be running away, scared.”
“You’re not a werewolf.” I furrow my brows. “You’re a wolf shifter.”
But shouldn’t he know that?
He blinks slowly. “What?”
“Where is your pack?” I ask.
“What’s a pack? What are you talking about?”
“You know,” I say. “Like a wolf pack.”
He shakes his head. “I don’t have a pack. I’ve never met anybody like me. Areyoulike me?”
“No.” I clear my throat. “I’m a supernatural, yes. But I’m not a wolf shifter.”
He frowns. “Oh. So you’re not a werewolf?”
“No, but you’re in a town full of wolf shifters. You realize that, right?”
His eyes widen. “Who?”
“Parker, Blaine, Will, and about a fourth of the kids in our school,” I explain. “But why aren’t you in a pack? Do your parents—”
He cuts me off. “I don’t have parents. I’m a foster kid. I thought I was the only werewolf. Or wolf shifter. Whatever I am.” He glances around. “I’ve got to go. Somebody is coming.” Ben shifts back into a wolf and runs off before I can utter another word.
A foster kid? He has no idea what he even is. Poor guy. I’ve got to talk to Parker about him. I start to walk toward his house, but another wolf runs out in front of me. A pure black one. I recognize the wolf, I’ve seen it outside my house a few times. As soon as the wolf walks into my path, the air vibrates and it—he—shifts.
Even though he’s fully human now, his eyes are still amber, like a wolf’s.
“Where is the other wolf?” Parker asks, his voice low. He sniffs the air around me. “Whoever it is, they’re not pack.”