Page 9 of Sellout
Why do I feel like I sort of got an approval from Will?
This is a strange day.
I glance at Will one more time. He’s got his attention toward the front of the room, but I have a very distinct feeling that he’s not actually paying attention. I turn to look at Blaine. He’s not at all trying to hide the fact that he’s not paying attention. He’s looking right at me with a smirk on his lips.
I put my head down, letting my hair curtain my face.
Okay, this has officially been the strangest day of my life.
Public school is so weird.
At the end of class, I can’t wait to get out of there. I’ve officially survived my first day. I swing by my locker, grabbing everything I need for my homework. After, I head toward the exit. I pass Blaine and Will on the way there. Blaine makes eye contact with me, but he stays by Will’s side. Will looks up for a split second and then punches Blaine in the arm.
“She’s off limits,” Will says.
Blaine pouts but still keeps his eyes on me.
I wonder why I’m ‘off limits.’ Though, to be honest, I’m glad to be off limits to Blaine. He’s way too flirty for me.
When I walk out the front, I see my dad’s car parked. He’s leaned up against the side, talking on the phone. I’m sure it has something to do with his job.
My dad is a doctor. He’s a good one, which means he’s always working.
I guess I can’t complain because his job is the reason he adopted me. The hospital he was working at when I was born had a no questions asked policy. Anybody could drop off a baby. I was dropped off while he was on shift. He said he took one look at me and fell in love.
As I walk up, he ends the call, shoving his phone into his pocket. I give him a hug.
“Hey, Dad.”
“How was your day?” Dad asks as we pull away.
I shrug one shoulder, giving him as vague of an answer as possible.
Today was weird, but it also sucked. I have a headache from all the voices, but I can’t tell my dad that.
I’ve never told my dad the truth about my ability. When I was a kid, I thought it was normal. By the time I figured out it wasn’t, I learned it was best to keep the truth to myself.
I walk around and get in the passenger side. Dad’s shoulders are tight as he gets in the driver’s seat.
He’s disappointed. I don’t have to read his thoughts to know that. He was hoping that I would be more enthusiastic about my day. He’s hoping…
“Did you talk to anybody?” Dad asks, starting the car.
“A couple of people.”
His eyes widen. “Really?”
I nod.
“Did you make friends?”
I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. “It was my first day, Dad. It’s not like I could just walk up to somebody and ask them to be my friend. Doesn’t that have to come naturally?”
He chuckles, pulling out of the spot. “I don’t know. It’s been a long time since I was in high school.”
“I bet your dad didn’t have to drive you to school.” I look out the window, noticing Parker, Will, and Blaine heading toward the parking lot. They’ve got a group of people following behind them.
“Maybe you can drive soon.”