Page 93 of Sellout
“I see.” Dad frowns. “And you can’t exactly spend time away from him because you need his touch.”
I nod.
“Don’t worry.” He stands up straighter. “These things have a way of working themselves out. Until then, don’t do anything you’ll regret.”
That’s easier said than done.
This can’t happen.
Yesterday, after talking with my dad, I decided not to hang out with Parker, even after Dad left for work.
In theory, I know that my dad is right. Dating Parker is a very, very bad idea. But when he picks me up for school the next morning, all good intentions are gone. Instead, my heart races when I see him get out of his Jeep.
I’m in way over my head.
When school is over that afternoon and Parker asks if I want to hang out at his house, I’m helpless to deny him.
Parker takes me for a walk on a trail behind his house. There are so many trails that it would be easy to get lost, but Parker knows where he’s going.
He grabs ahold of my hand, lacing our fingers together. My heart races at the move and the only tell that Parker heard is that his grin widens a bit. He doesn’t say anything about it though.
“Did everything go well with your father last night?” Parker asks.
I nod. “He took everything surprisingly well. He didn’t run away or even act bothered. He talked to me some about his mate, which I know was hard for him.”
“My dad was best friends with your dad growing up. He moved here after his parents died, he was just a baby. They grew up next door to one another,” Parker says. “When your dad’s mate died, he was gone within a few days. He disappeared after the funeral. He didn’t contact my dad for three years—only after he adopted you. My dad went to see him when you were a baby. Your dad thought he might be able to tell what you were, but my dad had no clue. After that, they stayed in touch. Your dad called once a week. When he asked if he could rejoin the pack and move here, we were all surprised.”
“He did it for me. Because living in New York was too much,” I admit. “I hated it there. Everything was soloud.”
Parker stops walking and turns toward me. “I’m sorry that you had to go through that. I wish I would’ve known you then. I wish I could’ve protected you.”
“It’s okay.” I take a step closer to him. “What happened sucks, but it made me stronger. And knowing you now more than makes up for it. Without you, I don’t know what I would do. The voices would be too much. I wouldn’t even be able to go to school.”
Parker glances at my lips, then into my eyes. He slowly backs up, still holding onto my hand. “Come on. I have a place I want to show you.”
We walk side by side. Parker grips tightly onto my hand—probably a smart idea considering I trip over everything. As we are walking, there is a wolf on the trail. Parker says hey to the wolf, but we keep walking.
Eventually, Parker pulls me off the trail. We both have to duck under some tree limbs, but he guides me onto a platform on the edge of a cliff. From here, I can see for miles around, even though it’s not the highest peak.
“Wow,” I say, stepping closer to the edge.
Parker grips my hand, tugging me back. “Maybe let’s not get so close to the edge. I’d hate for you to trip and fall.”
I laugh, remembering Will said something similar.
I’m not worried about falling from here. I could just fly down. But I don’t want to admit that to Parker. Not yet. I’m going to tell him the truth, but I’ve got to work up to it.
And maybe get enough nerve to do it…
I’m still worried that he’s going to freak out. It’s an irrational fear, but just thinking about telling him makes my skin feel itchy and my heart pound harder.
We take a seat on the grass. We’re close enough to the edge that we get a good view but far enough back for Parker to feel comfortable.
I wonder if I could save him if he were falling. I know I saved Will, but I didn’t eventhink. I just did it. Would I be able to save somebody else under pressure?
“It’s so pretty here.” I turn my head so that I’m looking at Parker. His blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight. “I don’t know how my dad could stand living in New York after being raised here.”