Page 96 of Sellout
When I finally wake up from my dream, I feel like I’m being hugged by a cloud. My entire body feels incredible, like what I imagine it would feel like after getting a massage. There are no aches, no pain, just bliss.
For a split second, I wonder if I’m in heaven. Because this is what I imagine heaven would be like. But when I open my eyes and see a ceiling fan spinning, I quickly realize that this isn’t heaven. I’m alive. But I have no ideawhereI am.
I hear a familiar voice, so I turn my head to see who is talking. I look into Parker’s blue eyes.
“Parker?” I look around, trying to make sense of where I am. I recognize the red comforter right away—I’m in Parker’s room.
How did I get here? The last I remember…
The kiss.
Parker’s regret.
Will and Parker chasing me.
Then, nothing.
I look at Parker again, seeing brown eyes behind him.
“Will?” I try to sit up, but Parker put his hand on my shoulder.
“You probably shouldn’t get up,” Parker insists.
“Why?” I ask, looking between them. “What am I doing here?”
Parker and Will share a look, like they’re trying to decide what to tell me. I know that they can talk to each other through their thoughts. Is that what they’re doing?
“Talk out loud. It’s rude to do your little mind talk thing while I’m sitting in the same room.” I sit up, and this time Parker lets me. I scoot to the edge of the bed, swinging my legs over. “Somebody needs to explain.”
“You died,” Will says.
Parker glares at Will.
“Again?” I ask.
Will’s eyes widen. “You said you died before. But I didn’t realize… youactuallydied.”
I nod. “I did die. A tree limb hit me on the head. Parker was there.”
“But it was different this time,” Parker says.
I look between Parker and Will, both of them completely quiet. “Is nobody going to tell me what happened?”
Parker rubs a hand on the back of his head. “You, uh, were running from us.”
“I remember.” My cheeks grow warm as I remember why I was running. Will saw us kissing. That’s going to be a fun topic for us to argue about during first period tomorrow.
“And then you ran in front of a eighteen wheeler.” Will crosses his arms over his chest. “Not your smartest move.”
I roll my eyes. “I obviously didn’t mean to do it.”
“You were dead. Like, your entire body was twisted and mangled. It was awful. The driver threw up when he saw you,” Will says.
Parker shoots another glare at Will.
“What?” Will shrugs. “She said she wanted the truth.”