Page 99 of Sellout
I turn around to face him, ignoring the tears that are streaming down my face.
Parker wipes at my tears with his thumb, gently touching my skin. “Just so you know, I love you too.”
A sob escapes my throat.
I turn around and rush from his room, this time he doesn’t try to stop me. I keep my head down as I run from his house, thankful that nobody is home. As soon as I get into the woods, I will myself to be at home and I instantly teleport in flames. I don’t even wait for the fire to die down before I run into the house, straight for my bedroom. I sob into my pillow, mourning my first love.
Will was right—Parker was always going to hurt me.
Still, even with how much it hurts, I can’t bring myself to regret anything that happened. Meeting Parker Thorne is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Eventually, this pain will fade. But I’ll always have fond memories of my first crush—my first love.
What are you doing here?
I’m lying on my bed crying into my pillow when the doorbell goes off.
I decide to ignore it. Whoever it is can come back later.
But then it goes off again, followed by my phone alerting me of a text. I grab my phone from my nightstand, ready to tell whoever it is to go away. When I see Will’s name pop up, I unlock my phone out of curiosity. Two more texts come through as I read the first.
You can open the door for me or I can bust it down.
Don’t try to deny you’re home.
I can hear you.
I roll my eyes, but get up from my bed. I lock my phone, shoving it back into my pocket.
“I’m coming,” I say, knowing he can hear me. I make my way from my room and down the stairs. I take my time, hoping to annoy Will.
Why is he even here? He’s made his feelings about me pretty clear. Maybe he’s glad I’m alive. And maybe he likes me in his own weird way. But he doesn’t want me near Parker. He doesn’t want me to be part of his pack.
I open the door and see Will on the other side. He’s got his hands stuffed into the front pocket of his jeans. His hair is wet and he smells like shampoo. I guess he had to shower—he smelled like smoke before.
From me.
Because I caught on fire after Idied.
“What are you doing here?” I cross my arms over my chest.
“Can I please come in?” Will asks.
Wow. Will is being nice?
I open the door further, allowing room for him. I don’t wait for him to enter. I just head toward the living room. I hear the door shut behind me as Will follows.
“If you want something to drink, the kitchen is that way.” I point toward the kitchen as I sit on the couch. I grab my favorite throw and cover myself up.
Will sits down beside me.
I raise an eyebrow at him. “The couch is big. You don’t have to sit so close.”
He ignores me. “You’ve been crying.”
I shrug. “I would say that Parker dumped me, but we weren’t really dating. Which makes me feel even more pathetic for crying.”
“It’s not pathetic. The two of you have a connection. Everybody can see it. It’s why I was so insistent that you stay away from him.” Will doesn’t make eye contact with me as he says it, but finally his brown eyes meet mine. “I’m sorry that I was so mean to you. I thought if I pushed you away that it would help spare you from the pain that you’re feeling now. But the pain was always inevitable.”