Page 13 of Fighting Fate
Why do I have to have a stupid crush on my bodyguard? It’s complicated and messy. Even if Hunter did like me, we couldn’t be together. He’s here to protect me, not fall in love with me.
Besides that, he doesn’t feel the same.
Why would he?
He’s nineteen and he lives an exciting life. He’s a freaking spy for crying out loud. And me? I’m just a seventeen-year-old high school senior. I have no idea what I want to do with my life and the most exciting thing about me is the hit I have out on my life. I’m ordinary in every single way.
Maybe I should just date Griffin. He has a crush on me. And someday, when Hunter moves on, maybe I could develop feelings for Griffin. I just need to stop comparing him to Hunter.
While Harper slips into the dressing room to try on a dress, Hunter and I look through the rack.
“Why are you being so obsessive today?” I glance from the dresses toward Hunter.
“What do you mean?” He doesn’t look up. He just keeps looking through the dresses intently, almost like he’s trying to avoid making eye contact with me.
I touch his arm to get his attention. “I know you, Hunter. And I know you’re hiding something from me. You might as well tell me the truth now.”
He shrugs. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
I roll my eyes.
Sure he doesn’t know.
“You’re not a very good liar.”
He jerks his head up. “I’ve been trained how to lie.”
I cross my arms over my chest. “I’d ask for a refund on that training class.”
Before Hunter can say anything else, Harper peeks her head around the corner, asking my opinion on her dress. I give her the same response I have for every dress—that it looks gorgeous on her. But it’s the truth—Harper looks gorgeous in everything she tries on. I, on the other hand, haven’t looked good in anything yet. I’m hoping one of the dresses waiting for me in the changing room will be good.
“It’s your turn.” Harper grabs my arm, pulling me toward the changing room.
I walk in, putting on the first blue dress in the pile. I’ve already decided that I’m getting a blue dress. I just hate that I’m getting a blue dress because Hunter told me I look good in blue.
The dress is gorgeous. Typically, girls wear floor length gowns to homecoming, but I just don’t like the idea of wearing a full length gown. Instead, I opt for a shorter, cocktail type dress. It’s puffy, like I like. And I’ll be able to wear sneakers with it. I’m sure Harper is going tolovethat when she finds out.
I walk out of the room, doing a spin for Harper. “What do you think?”
Her eyes light up. “Oh, my gosh. Cute.”
“Should I get it?” I ask.
She rolls her eyes. “Cove, you can’t just buy the first dress you try on. It looks good, but what if one of the other dresses looks better?”
I groan.
Of course this isn’t going to be as easy as I thought.
I head back into the dressing room to try on the other dresses that are waiting for me.
I knew today was going to be torture.
After trying on a minimum of twenty dresses, Harper finally deems one of them nice enough for me to buy. However, she didn’t find ‘the one’ yet, so we’re off to another store to see if she can find something suitable for her. I’m just relieved that I’ve got my dress.
When Hunter pays for my dress, I give him a grateful smile. I know he said he doesn’t want me to pay him back, but I will. There is no way I’m going to let him justgiveme a dress like this. It doesn’t feel right, especially not since he’s already being forced to babysit me.
Well, okay, maybe notforced. He is getting paid. And he constantly reminds me that he volunteered for this assignment.