Page 38 of Fighting Fate
He’s so gorgeous. It’s not even fair that he’s my bodyguard. How can I notice any other guy when I spend all my time withtheperfect guy?
Life is so unfair.
“You don’t want to date Griffin?” Hunter asks.
I shake my head. “I don’tthinkso.” I pause, taking a deep breath. “No. Definitely not. I don’t want to.”
He doesn’t say anything. He just looks at me.
Part of me wants to date Griffin, but it’s not for the right reasons. I want to date him so I can get over Hunter. And that wouldn’t be fair to anybody.
I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, angling my body toward him. “I like Griffin, don’t get me wrong. He’s a sweet guy. And I don’t mind him coming to homecoming with me. I just get the feeling that he likes me a lot. It’s not fair to him that I don’t feel the same.”
“You just met the guy. You have to give these things time,” Hunter says.
“I do?”
He nods. “You’re attracted to him, right?”
I shrug. “Yeah, I guess. He’s cute.”
And Griffiniscute. He’s just… not Hunter Duran. To be fair, nobody will ever live up to Hunter.
“Just give the guy a shot. If he tries to kiss you, just be honest with him and tell him you’re not ready.”
I take a deep breath, slowly letting it out. “Yeah, okay. I guess you’re right. Maybe I just need more time.”
Somehow, I don’t think that’s the answer, but maybe Hunter knows better than I do about these kinds of things.
He stands up from the couch, holding out a hand toward me. “We should probably head that way. Griffin said he was on his way about five minutes ago.”
“He did?” I let Hunter pull me up from the couch. A quick glance at my phone reveals he’s right—Griffin did text me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t hear my phone go off.
Griffin:I’m on my way. I can’t wait to see you.
My stomach feels like it’s in knots.
He can’t wait to see me.
I’m such a bad person.
I swallow hard, shoving my phone back into my pocket.
Maybe I can talk to Harper about this tonight. She will know what to do. Only… I can’t tell her about my massive crush on Hunter. If I did, she will tease me about it, even if it is via text message. And since I can’t tell her Hunter gets all my texts…
I’m doomed.
Hunter puts his hand on the small of my back as he leads me toward the front door. My skin tingles and butterflies fill my stomach at his touch.
I glance over at him and find him watching me.
“Are you okay, Trouble? You look a little pale,” Hunter says.
I nod. “I’m totally fine.”
He raises an eyebrow, calling my bluff.
I press my lips firmly together, admitting nothing to him.