Page 19 of Just a Wrong Turn
“You’re welcome. Glad it helped,” Liza replied.
They walked around the play yard in silence until the question that had been tapping on Miller’s mind all night broke free.
“So what’s the deal with you and Dr. Sam?” he asked.
Liza looked over at him with a grin. “Nothing yet. He just asked me to design a custom vest for him.”
“A custom vest?” Miller huffed.Who wears vests?Sherlock Holmes in the 1800s came to mind.
“Also known as a waistcoat if you’re fancy.” Liza grinned.
Of course, Dr. Sam is the refined type.That tracked based on his polished appearance the day before. Miller shook his head and went back to scooping.
Breaking through the quiet, Liza said, “So, I called my sister last night…”
Miller didn’t look up.
She took a breath and raced through her next words. “Because I saw your Post-It note about needing to raise some money for the rescue. Maggie and her fiancé have organized some charity concerts. Also, she’s just really good at this stuff. I can’t explain it.”
Miller paused and slowly lifted his gaze.
Then he gritted out, “I have an idea. I just haven’t… worked out the details.”
“Like the part where you have to interact with people?”
A crease appeared on his forehead as he scowled.
“Maggie said she could stop out tomorrow morning around eight to help brainstorm.”
Miller sighed. “It can’t hurt. But if her ideas suck, I’m gonna tell her.”
“That’s fair.” Liza smiled as she looked around the yard.
“Time to feed the dogs.” Miller instructed. He was anxious to get some space from Liza. Yes, her nosiness was a little annoying, but he knew he needed all the support he could get to keep the rescue afloat. His pride hated to admit it, but he could use some assistance. He’d do anything to help the dogs. After all, the dogs had rescued him. No, they’d revived him.
Before adopting Snowdrop, he was on the verge of drowning in the darkness that seemed to engulf his days. Snowdrop reminded him that there was joy in the world. But more than that, Snowdrop made him feel like he wasn’t a disappointment. And if a dog could do what no human could, he wanted to try his best to make sure they were never discarded or made to feel unwanted. Miller related too much with that. He had no idea how to figure out his own life, but he understood dogs and they brought light into the world.
Liza’s voice snapped him back to the present. He found himself staring into a bag of dog food, but not actually scooping it into bowls.
“You okay? You look a little pale.” Liza’s big brown eyes scanned his face.
“Yeah, I’m fine… I’m just gonna get some water.” Miller jaunted to the back room, a.k.a his bedroom.
Sitting on the futon, he rested his head in his hands.Take deep breaths,he reminded himself. Just the thought of his darker days made him feel nauseous. He was terrified of going back there.That was the past. You’re safe now. You’re stronger now. You have the dogs who need you.Miller gulped down a bottle of water that was next to the futon. Hearing a knock, he let out a groan.
“Miller, can I come in?”
“Couldn’t hear you but pretty sure you said yes…” Liza slowly opened the door.
Miller leaned back and looked up at the ceiling. “I said no. As in don’t come in.”
Liza sat down next to him. “Never been that good at following instructions."
Miller grunted.